The journey into the abyss of no return


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
How far did you have to back in there? Over a mile? How many loads will you have to put in there? Is that the "driveway" to that place or is that going to be a road to go past there to another property?
Brings back memories of my dad when working for a company that hauled gravel etc... but countryside is nothing like that. My Grandfather drove a 10 wheeler and my dad ran a dragline dredging out lakes... both also ran smaller track loaders and backhoes and such. None of the ground was that hard or dry... lots of black topsoil with huge glacier sized rocks up in Conn. Lot of lakes and ponds and streams and rivers.
Parents place in NH was right along the Conn River which divides NH and VT... lot of water...


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
You are so right about them not being for everyone. Remember that when 2 same age males are living together, they get to a certain age and will begin to fight for dominance. Even littermates do this so just be aware that it will happen sooner rather than later.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Sad though to keep them so far away because they do like being with their owners. But we do what we have to to keep them safe. Too bad they are both boys. Having our side and back yard fenced now is nice since Rika and Ozel can come up to the porch in the evening after the sheep are put up. They can get to the barn quickly since we leave the gate open. The back yard is grassy and shady so seems cooler that the barn area. It makes them feel this is more like home where they could come onto the patio in the evenings after the sheep were fed and put up.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
You'll learn that farming doesn't happen as you want/plan. Agree, butcher male ducks. Pigs -- yeah, they eat!! But livestock isn't like mowing grass -- you see it grow, you mow, done. Nope livestock grows and doesn't move on like YOU want -- darn customers! So it is. It's not controllable like your schedule. Hang in there!!

Your market area may be more limited, also.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
No good answer for that one. The farming ranching thing is a long haul thing. It takes a ton of wait and see. Then a good handful of luck and perseverance. Worse than a WS startup just gone public.
You’ve got a lot of irons in the fire, and from what I see you’re good at all of them and the juggling required. Crops of any sort (be it livestock, growing, building customer base) takes time and work (something you’re not afraid of).
Love to say hang in there - but you’re not the one to say it to, it’s whoever is of the “stock market mindset.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
There are no good answers... and the stock market is going to go to he// in a handbasket when this new ESG BULL CRAP goes into effect... The EU has just pushed this through about how any companies that deal with anyone from the EU , are going to have to meet THEIR conditions...which has rules about the companies and how they rate with the green movement and all sorts of stuff... or they can... and WILL.... shut off access to the products... This includes the BAYER conglomerate which owns Monsanto... which in turns controls many of the seed companies that they do business with... not just the monsanto brands but American Seeds...all companies that do business with them like independent places like the local co-op that carries seeds... parts for tractors and equipment that plant the seeds... YOU NAME IT.... Which is going to affect farmers all over in this country.... AND remember, Smithfield which is everything pork... is owned by Chinese interests....

I had heard about this and then this morning there was a big segment on Glenn Beck.... with a guy explaining it in more detail.... and if the USA does not put their foot down and say NO.... we will be totally under the control of the EU regulations...... We have 2 years to STOP this...It is not something that might happen, it is in effect now in EU countries.... I am going to research this more as I do not have all the details... but so many people have NO CLUE as to how this is going to basically turn this country into a "serfdom" of peasants and "serf's" that will answer to a "king" so to speak.

Wanting to be a part of things is good for the "partner".... BUT.... it must be realized that if she is not there, and you are, you are putting the effort and time into this so that you will be able to stay there if something happens and she does not have a job...
Question.... and you do not have to answer... was this all discussed before knowing that you would not be working a "9-5" type job... and more important... does she NEED to work this job????

Maybe she needs to be there, 24/7 for awhile.... and see if she can deal with all that you do and be HAPPY doing it.... and nothing else???? And what happens when you do something like just haul gravel... and does she expect to just ride along all day... You are setting things up so that she will be secure with NOT depending on someone else... if the sh!t hits the fan... and the way we are going it seems more and more likely.... there will be no income and totally lost money in the stock market... and the gov is going to determine what you do, where you go, what you eat, and do what they want you to do....You will lose all personal ownership so that they can control every aspect of your life....

I have some money in the stock market... and I am slowly pulling a good part of it out... Not liking the way things are looking... and I an only keeping things that are at least paying dividends ..... Not liking the feelings I am getting from things...

I wish you the best with dealing with this... I hate to see you give up with the things you have been trying to get going.....maybe scale some things back a bit... like the ducks... but to give up the pigs when they might be the best survival ace you have....

Maybe to make some changes on the distribution of money so she can do some of what she wants with her earnings... and if (and when) it falls apart... then she might be able to appreciate what you still have and what you are providing...

Not that I want to be in Montana...I wish I were in the position of no mortgage, no payments, and a partner that had the drive and abilities........ but if I were alot younger........:hide


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
What @farmerjan said x100.
I think we all need to be able to get through whatever is ahead of us - and that means do everything we can to be able to live -- small farm, garden, livestock. When it all comes down, paper $$ will fly in the wind as useful as dust.
Of course this group is like-minded and tries to be as self-sufficient as possible and not one is afraid of a hard days work.
Jan suggested she be there 24/7 for awhile to see how things work. I'd love to say a few days would do the trick - but probably not enough (though something is better than nothing) DH is retired now almost 2 yrs and is just now getting the feel for the ranch. Good news is he lives by "happy wife, happy life" - so for the most part I did alot / most of what needed to be done. But he is also Mr Research and Overthink.
Maybe scale back?? You're raising you animals as they should be, not cut corners. As for the drakes (if they're still around) are there any restaurants, hotels with restaurants, resorts, or similar (thinking higher end types) within 100 miles or so (300 miles maybe [see later in this reply on that number])that you can contact, talk to the head or executive chef that could use the duck?? Perhaps even offer some free as a trial - that could build a market for them especially with you as the supplier.
I went to the protea farm tour the other week. The farm now 300+ acres started out at 10 acres (acquired land like you are doing). This started in 1995. He took the flowers to Los Vegas (300 miles one way) and gave them to the hotels and casinos. That started it - once they got the flowers they wanted MORE and paid for them. FYI protea flowers last for weeks not days and are big and exotic looking.
Just thinking outside the box for what you've got. Perhaps she could do the marketing to the higher end places??
You've got a product (several) and the markets need to know you exist - not just the single folks / families.
ADDING IN - your ducks are humanely raised, pasture raised (I think they are), given the freedom to be outside yet protected from predators - those are ALL HUGE SELLING points and things that you would see on a menu as well.
Same is true for the pigs.
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