Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Vickir73 said:I'm so. I tried calling the school several times yesterday to find out when the deadline is to sign up to run for school board. Well, the secretary would never answer her phone. I called today and left a vm. She called me back now. The deadline was yesterday
Elections aren't for another 2 years
I'm so pissed. I guess I will just have to keep trying to make a difference as PTO President, even though I'm supposed to be elected out in September (we are only supposed to hold the office for 2 years, but usually no one else will step up so we've had the same treasurer for about 8 years.) but if it's the only thing I can do, I am going to keep doing it. I am determined to make a difference in our school and do my best to try to get it back to what it used to be. Our "new" principal that we got last year (who was a teacher at the school before that) has proven that she's just out to make trouble. I've caught her in several lies as well as others and our "new" superintendent that signed up at the end of last year, doesn't seem to be much better either. I'm so tired of these people taking these positions just so they have clout. Can we please get someone in the position that actually care about the school and want to see it improve?????
Yesterday, she decided that all the teachers and staff needed to take a tour (on the school bus) of the bus routes (mind you we only have 3). This is one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard of. 96% of the teachers and staff grew up in the school and in Leggett. They know more about the town than she does.
Sorry about the rant, but I'm just so upset. I need to think positive and continue to push for changes and continue to try and push parents and teachers to come to meetings and events.
Oh, and I went downstairs to go out for lunch and discovered I don't have my car key. My car key is 100 miles away on my kitchen table. Great. I will stay in town tonight with a girlfriend and have a courier to pick up my key from my ex's job site tomorrow (He's at my house today). Yesterday I had to leave early, so my ex picked me up and I left my car here because he was supposed to work today so we were just going to drive in this morning and he would drop me off. Well, last night he got a call that the parts that were ordered weren't coming in so he didn't have work today, but since we left my car here, he had to drive me to Houston to work. Tomorrow he will be working so he will take my key with him and I will have a courier go get it for me.
Meet the teacher went ok last night. We met Nic's teacher (although we already knew each other), Ms. Rivers. We started out on bad terms last year over a PTO run in. We both learned that the other can be a real bitch if need be. Well, I'm going to think positive and hopefully we will have a great year.
Tomorrow is Harli's 'Meet the Teacher' night. She'll have 2 teachers again this year. Her math and science (I think) teacher will be Ms. Jackson, our Pre-K teacher (She's been the pre-K teacher FOREVER, but our wonderful principal made a bunch of changes this year and this is one of them. Our wonderful, wonderful Pre-K teacher (who loved what she did) is now our 4th & 5th grade math and science teacher. Ms. Jackson is a wonderful woman, but I know she's not happy about the change, but I know she will do her best. Have I mentioned our principal is stupid? Harli's "home room" teacher is new, so we'll meet her tomorrow night.
Another change our principal made was that Pre-K and Kindergarten are now combined. This is so crazy. You've got one group of kids that are barely speaking in complete sentences to teaching another group of students the basics of reading and writing. I just don't see how she's going to effectively teach either group. Both groups are a handful (at ages 4 & 5) and deserve to have a teacher that doesn't have to bounce back and forth! Did I mention that our principal doesn't seem to make decision that are in the best interests of the teachers and students?
Don't even get me started on the changes she has made to the special ed teacher (who just happens to be my mother) - Our principal needs to go!!!!