Vickir73 & The Chunky Dunk!! - pics of first show


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Aug 8, 2011
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Vickir73 said:
here's what I came up with for her to take with her tomorrow to tell the people a bit about us and mentioning that they are not buying cheese or milk, but instead making a donation toward feed. what'da think?
Well that seems like a good idea. I wish I could see the flyer better, but I can make it out enough to figure out the idea.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
Well my friend said she sold $16 worth of my cheese!! that's awesome! that's almost a bag of feed! I think that's so great. She said some people came out specifically for the cheese (she has a FB account for the event that she posted on). Next month (the first Saturday in October) I'm just going to go with her and set up a table. It's a trader's market they are trying to get started and every month it grows by about 1 vendor, so I can go and set up a table and tent and I'll be killing two birds with one stone - helping her and giving away cheese.

This weekend was SUPER busy. The weather was beeee-u-ti-ful!! I kept finding things to do that would keep me from going in the house - 'course with 15 acres that's not hard to do ;) let's see, Saturday morning I slept til about 9:30 - the goats were mad at me, but I was super exhausted from the show last weekend. I milked both girls and got more than 2 quarts - I'm so happy with their milk production :weee Friday night my sister was supposed to come over with her boys and play dominoes, but she was fighting on the phone with her "fiance" so that visit was horrible. - I ended up going to bed - it was drama, drama, drama - she came over Saturday and I told her how I felt - she already knows I think he's a P.O.S. (I still can't forgive him for beating my nephew (who was Down Sydrome I might add) - bad enough for me to break down and call CPS on my sister) but the situation just keeps getting worse. It makes me so upset to see her going thru the same crap I went through :somad anyway, I got sidetracked . . . .

The goats were really mad at me when they discovered it was time to clip hooves and worm the boys (I'm not doing it routinely, but they haven't been wormed yet (they are 3 months old) and are starting to look run down so I think it was time). I clipped Stripes hooves and gave him Ivomec and then Probios. :sick He, of course, didn't like either - he's a difficult little turd, but cute :cool: he's gonna like me even less when, in a few weeks, I'm gonna bad him . . .

When trimming Pikachu's hooves, he would NOT be still and kept jerking and jumping around. I accidently clipped one hoof to deep. I applied stop bleed and pressure, and felt really, really bad - so he got extra treats afterwards. He didn't like the Ivomec, but I think he like the Probios. He is our spoilted rotten boy. He is sooooo sweet. I hope he doesn't turn too buck during the rut season:fl

Daisi was ok during the trimming season. She didn't like it, but she did it.

Dafni, the turd, did ok also during the hoof trimming, but oh my goodness - she is a trouble maker!! She gave me grief all weekend - I guess payback for the hoof trimming.

Masey did not like the hoof trimming and I'm going to have to trim hers again in a few weeks. It appears they might not have been getting trimmed enough at her previous home or it could just be that she's got weird hooves - I've never owned a LaMancha so it could just be that.

Saturday we finished planting the garden. I now have planted edamane, beets, black eyed peas, and green beans. I planted the green beans in a plot and not rows so we'll see how that works out. Saturday we also started clearning brush from around the trees on the property (or the "yard" part of the property). It now looks like someone actually lives there. It looks so much better. And the weather was sooo nice. Oh, then we went to town and got stuff for me to make lasanga. So we get home and I start making fresh cheese to use in the lasanga. I've only made lasanga a few times, so I'm still getting the hang of it. The cheese was great - althought next time I'm going to use more :drool and I think I need to make it saucier (not sure if that's a word, but it fits). I would like it to be juicier, but it was good.

Sunday I wanted to go to church, but didn't set the alarm thinking I would be awake in time, but didn't get up til 9 and by the time I took care of the animals, it was after 10 :( Got the ex to take me and DS to town to eat chinese food and it was sooooooo good :drool and then we drove out to the dam to show the boy. The water is so low. I can't imagine what it looked like last year during the drought - but if we don't get rain soon, I'm sure we are headed for another one. After we got home, we went to visit the "tire man" to see what he would charge me for old tires to use for goat castles - he said free!! I could take thousands of them if I wanted - so we took a truck load. Here's a pic of stage one

DS is trying to shoot "bad guys" :)

Stripe is laying inside the tire . . . silly turd

Hopefully you can see Pikachu and Daisi in the background - they were already fighting over it :)

I saw this idea on the internet somewhere. I don't know if it was on this forum or not, but the idea is to fill the tires with dirt (to prevent snakes from crawling in and to prevent against broken legs) and then add layers so that you end up with a pryamid. I think they are gonna love it - I worked about 2 hours on it yesterday and the first layer is not even half way complete - but it will get there. In the one picture you can see the stacks of more tires that we got - so I think it will be a nice addition to their run - Once we are finished filling it with dirt, I will let the kids paint the tires and it will add color.

I still can't figure out where I want to build the buck pen.

Daisi is just not getting out of heat. Masey went into heat this weekend - I don't know what Danfi is doing, except for being a PITA.

I made a SMALL hole in the gate to the chicken run so the chickens could get out and free range and the goats couldn't get into their coop. What does Dafni do, but force her way thru the hole and open the door so the other goats can get in???? I can leave the gate to the goat run "unlocked" if I'm outside as long as Dafni isn't paying attention. But it's like she knows when I'm not paying attention and she will open the gate - the other goats just stay behind the fence - nope, not her. I think she needs to be bred :) I may have found a lady with a spotted buck to breed Dafni too this fall - I would LOVE a spotted doe :) my issue is that I just live so freakin far away and by the time I get home during the week it's just already so late - maybe I can hope she'll go into heat next month on a weekend :fl:rolleyes:


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
well, I just got a call from a unrecognized number. Although there was no name, it was local so I answered. "Hello?" "Yes, is this Nicolas' mom?" "Yes" "What is your name?" "Vicki Bennett" "Vicki, this is Mark Jones. Nicolas and I are here standing under a pecan tree and he says he's scared to go home." WTF??????? "Is no one home?" "Yes, sir. My Grannie is. Nicolas needs to go to his house. He goes to her house every day." "Ok, well, I'll send him that way." "Thank you."

So, I called Grannie and asked her if she could go outside and see what was going on. She went out to the porch and called to Nic and told me that Mr. Jones (whom we've known for a very long time we just don't really associate with each other) was walking Nic up the driveway (a little over 1/4 of a mile). Well, come to find out Mr. Jones passed by when the bus dropped Nic off. He looked in his mirror and saw Nic wasn't going anywhere and was just standing there so he backed his truck up and saw Nic looked scared and confused. Seems Nicolas thought he saw a snake but it was only a root. So when Mr. Jones (whom Nicolas didn't know) started talking to him, Nicolas (who turned 6 in June) gave him my phone number, but wouldn't get in his truck - I'm so proud of my boy!!!! Mr. Jones was very nice and kept saying he didn't just want to leave a little boy standing there, but I'm glad it was him who stopped ('cause according to the sex offender website we have several in the subdivision). My mother usually calls my Grannie to let her know Nic is on the bus, but for some reason she didn't today so I'll talk to her this evening about it.

I'm glad Nicolas is home safely!! - course my heart has had to slow down first :rolleyes:


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Aug 8, 2011
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My goodness that is scary. We always meet Logan when he gets off the bus. It's actually Korbin's favorite time of the day when we get to go outside and wait on Logan to get off the bus! Glad it all worked out well though. :hugs


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
I'd love to be able to get my kids off the bus everyday - I do envy stay at home moms . . . sometimes - I couldn't do it, I think I'd have to run away ;) and my Grannie just can't make the walk every day (is a few hundred yards and she'll be 90 in December) The boy has been doing this for 2 years now so I don't know what's come over him, but he was really scared. He asked me last night if I could talk to his teacher and tell her that he could be a car rider :hit it was so sad. He really thought it was a snake. He said, I wanted you to burn it Mommy. So I told him we would go out this evening and see if we could find the stick (Mr. Jones picked it up and threw it across the road, so I doubt we will find it, but we'll try) and then put it on the burn pile and burn it.

Did I say we got the garden planted this past weekend (or finished it anyway). I've got a few beet and edamame plants sprouting already from the plaint the weekend before. Saturday we planted 2 rows of black eyed peas and we block planted green beans. I think I'm going to start eating the canned beans we canned earlier this week. Since I used a water bath, I'm not sure that they will be good much longer. I will definitely be digging out Grannie's pressure cooker for this next batch of beans. I think I read somewhere that anything that you put in water, you should use the pressure cooker and anything you put in vinegar, it will be ok to use the water bath. Anyone agree? disagree??

I've already decided to at double, if not triple, the garden in the spring. And I figured out how to do it -- that's the best part !! I think we will use the tractor and the disc to break the ground initially and then we'll use the tiller to finalize it. I'm debating on if I want an incubator for Christmas or a new tiller . . . . decisions, decisions.

I'm always leary of telling people what I do because then some will coming to me asking for advice. I tell them, I can't give legal advice. I'm not an attorney. I'm always afraid they will tell so-and-so that "Vicki" said this and "Vicki" said that. For example, when I got home yesterday I had a neighbor at my house. She is a nice lady, but from what I understand (from her and others) she has MAJOR issues. She says it's always someone else's fault, but from others tell me, she's a trouble maker - anyway, I would just assume to not get caught up in any drama. I have enough of my own. Anyway, she asks me to read and her MIL's Will and asks me what she should do. I tell her to contact a probate attorney. I tell her AGAIN - I can't give you legal advice. I am NOT an attorney. This is the second time she's done this since I've told her what I do - legal secretary/paralegal :hide and she is nice and her daughter likes playing with my daughter, but I do not want to give anyone the wrong idea. We'll see. I'm hoping for the best. Her husband died on July 2nd so say a little prayer for her please. Her name is Christina.

I did give both kids the "strangers" speech again -- see how my mind just jumps around and lands on different subjects - I think I'm losing my mind sometimes. Maybe 'cause I'm getting so old - I will be 40 in March :lol: Anyway, I told them both again that they need to get off the bus and go straight to Grannie's house because any one could get them down there and I'd never see them again and it's so far away from the house that no one would hear them scream. I know it sounds harsh to say that too a child (10 & 6) but my children are hardheaded and stubborn . . . they get that from their father - I'm sweet as pie and would never cause any trouble :gig . . . I have to be blunt with them sometimes for it to sink in, especially with the boy. He can remember my phone number, but he can't remember to wipe his ass when he goes to the bathroom - course maybe that's a man thing???? :D


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Aug 8, 2011
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I may not be a stay at home mom for too long. I'm calling about a couple job openings today. Don't know that anything will come of it but we'll see I guess.

So when in March is your birthday? I'll be 28 in March myself!


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
ok, what's the feed back on Honey BooBoo????? 'course if I can take a quote from her "give me dolla, make me holla!!!" would be my theme song :) 'course I'm a 39 year old woman, and not a 6 year old -

this show is the talk of the office now for some reason. I've watched the first episode on youtube and so far don't see anything too odd . . . (outside of the pageant thing because I don't agree with that) . . . I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing :ep

My birthday is the 14th. You will be 28?? I don't think I'd go back and do that over - at least not my 28 :)


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Aug 8, 2011
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Vickir73 said:
ok, what's the feed back on Honey BooBoo????? 'course if I can take a quote from her "give me dolla, make me holla!!!" would be my theme song :) 'course I'm a 39 year old woman, and not a 6 year old -

this show is the talk of the office now for some reason. I've watched the first episode on youtube and so far don't see anything too odd . . . (outside of the pageant thing because I don't agree with that) . . . I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing :ep

My birthday is the 14th. You will be 28?? I don't think I'd go back and do that over - at least not my 28 :)
Honey Boo Boo is a comical show. I don't agree with some things on it but it is entertaining to watch. I'm not religious about watching it though, I've caught it a time or to is all. Now American Hoggers is a show (on A&E) I'm addicted to! Best thing is I can watch the episodes I may miss online without having to wait a month for it to be available.

My wedding anniversary is the 10th of March and my birthday is the 17th of March. March will be mine and DHs 7th wedding anniversary and then my 28th birthday. DHs birthday is in November on the same day as my birthday but he'll be 33.

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