Vickir73 & The Chunky Dunk!! - pics of first show


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
so, first of all get to mom's and give her the information I printed out about the pesticide we should use to kill the crazy ants. guess what?? It's highly toxic to birds - now I've got to contact the company and find out exactly how is it toxic because I raise poultry.

had horrible dreams last night about my DD getting kidnapped!!

alarm went off at 5:25. lights went out at 5:30, so got dressed (no shower) and got kids dressed with the use of a flashlight. great.

went out to milk. No Daisi. She is usually the first one at the door. Called her. No Daisi. Went to looking for her. Found her. She would not come to me. Strange. She, in fact, tried to run from me. Very strange. Found bloody diarrhea. Not good at all. Could not take temp because I couldn't hold her, and flashlight, and thermometer. Will take temp tonight and try to get a fecal to the vet. very worried. don't think it's worms. Her body condition has done nothing but improve. She's now about a 3. she's been eating great. yesterday she was fine on the milk stand.

Brother was pulling weeds from mother's house to prepare for spraying of ants. He put the weeds in the goat run for them to eat. Weeds they've eaten before, however, I'm worried that mom may be sprayed the weeds with some type of poison :( no idea what's wrong.

day not starting out well.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
some pictures of the ants. my grannie vacuumed Sunday. So this is about 4 days worth of dead ants. She's vacuumed this many up several times already. the live ones were crawling all over the place.

back door

her bathroom



True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
I hope your doe gets better. I have no idea what to suggest.

I can't imagine the ant issue. I read the article on the crazy ants and it was horrifying. I have this irrational fear of ants. snakes, spiders, mice- no problem but ants, forget it. I run screaming like a little girl.

I wish you the best. :hugs


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
last night after I got home an hour late (because when I got to the park and ride to my car, my battery was dead because I left the #$)%()@&%&) dome light on and so I had to wait awhile on a girlfriend to come and give me a jump) I went to mom's & grannie's to scoop up 20-30 of the little (@)#%&*^s and put them in a vial with alcohol then I went to my house and did the same thing so I could send the samples to A&M for testing. Well, this morning between no lights, no shower, and a sick goat, I forgot the damn vials of the table. So know it will just have to wait to get shipped until tomorrow.

then by the time I got home it was 9:30 and the kids were still up and the ex was on the phone to his mother. I told my son to turn the game off and go to bed. He said "No." Let's say he was a bit surprised at my quick reaction to that answer. So after my response and while he was standing there crying, I said, turn the game off and go to bed. He said "No" -- if I had been an animal I would have eaten him. So again, after my response and he was crying even louder, I said again, turn the game off and go to your room. He said "No" - I swear there are times you would have thought I'd done drugs while I was pregnant - I think it's safe to say that after my reaction to the third "No" he went over and turned off the game. Of course then a few minutes later he was standing at my doorway crying so I just turned off the light and closed the door.

When my ex (and this is a great example of why he is and still needs to be my ex) got off the phone with his mother, I said "Didn't you notice it was after 9:00 and the kids should be in bed?" He said "Well, I guess you should have brought your ass home then." REALLY???? it was on like donkey kong . . . and today, well, let's just say he's been super, yucky sweet with his texts, but with the size of my ass, he's got a lot of kissing to do.

I'm so lookin forward to the show on Saturday. Just to get away.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
ok well, it's not diarrhea. my brother was able to observe Daisi yesterday. her pellets are fine. He says her urine is very think and there is a little blood at the end. She's only got the discharge around her "girl parts" - nothing around her butt. For some reason I don't feel like I'm using the right terms. I feel very dirty using these words in reference to my goat :hide

He thinks she's either in heat or has a kidney/bladder infection. He said her being in heat would explain the attitude change and the discharge. He told me to cut back on the alfalfa for a couple of days to see if that would help if it's a bladder/kidney infection. She is also holding her tail straight up. I was able to catch her last night. She ate fine and her milk production was close to normal.

What are symptoms of both?

Anyway, going to the dollar store today at lunch to get last minute things for the show tomorrow. Printed out directions. Will be thinking about herdstock and what I'm missing :hit but I'm sure me and my girlfriend will have a great time (especially with no children :) Will try to take plenty of pictures so I can post them. Y'all have fun tomorrow and I'll pray for that the rain that is supposed to come Roll's way, will instead be blown down here :)


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
The show Saturday was disappointing, but I learned a lot and the kids had fun.

The judge was very nice and came and talked to me about my birds after all the awards had been handed out. He kinda confirmed my thoughts about the birds, so I ended up trading three of my BCMs girls for 3 backyards girls from a friend of mine. The hens just weren't anywhere close to what they needed to be. No copper at all and one of them had a side spring and one had a funny shaped head. He said my roo was underconditioned and molting - I think a lot of people are having issues with that right now. So I now have a game plan for the show in January. The 2 blues that I had that he said looked good, I have put them in with my roo (I've trimmed his tail and will pluck it in a couple of days so it has time to grow out for BBC) and so although I don't have any BCM eggs right now, I'll have BCM over blue, which will be interesting. My head count for BBC has gone down from about 20 to 10 after speaking with the judge. I have several I'm probably going to be selling/trading for since they are not where they should be as far as coloring goes. The fair itself was $15 to enter (children 11 and under were free), so it cost me $10 (as an exhibitor) and the ex $15. This did not include any food, drinks or rides. This was only entry into the fair. They didn't really have many animal exhibits, but they had a very nice art exhibit that we enjoyed quite a bit. They also had a building for a plant exhibit, which was very nice also. There was also a building for vendors and several outside vendors. The kids got to ride a mechanical bull, which was fun for them and fun to watch!! I took quite a few pics and will probably be loading them onto FB in the next couple of days. I would say that although I did not place, it was a very good day. I learned a lot and got to meet more poultry people and learn about the BBC in January. It's the largest poultry show in the state of Texas!!


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
well crap, my post didn't post. I'll try to retype what I had, but it was a lot and I can't remember it all

I did get a call from the Aggie guy, oops, I mean entomologist from Texas A&M confirming that yes, we do have crazy ants. Oh joy! That makes me so happy I could just wet my pants . . . :th

we need a sarcasm smiley. we actually should have one that uses the "special finger" but I don't think the moderators would go for that :idunno although sometimes it does fit a situation perfectly.

Had the ex put down 2 maran hens this week. I know some might not agree with me, but I don't have the time to nurse a sick chicken. I do have a guy down the road that will nurse my sick chickens back to health and I let him keep the chicken, but they already have more they can properly take care of. Maybe if it was a favorite or great in the show ring, I might be inclined, but since I've had issues with this group of birds since day one, I'm really have to keep myself from getting rid of all of them and starting over :he

The ex didn't want to do it - he said the coloring on the hens was really good!! excuse me??? you mean he's actually been listening to what I've been saying :ep hot damn :clap now why can't he listen to the stuff I say about him????? :gig

Tomorrow one of my chicken friends is going to her monthly trade days for me and will take some cheese and milk. Since I can't sell it, I'm asking for donations toward feed. With a donation toward feed, you'll get a free sample of cheese or milk (depending on how much your donation is). If I find someone who would like to donate on a regular basis, I have typed up a Goat Share Program they can buy into. Wish I could post samples so y'all could try it - I've got jalapeno, garlic, and a tomato/oregano that's really good.

Here's a picture of a chicken and egg taco I made the other night with my jalapeno goat cheese added.



Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
here's what I came up with for her to take with her tomorrow to tell the people a bit about us and mentioning that they are not buying cheese or milk, but instead making a donation toward feed. what'da think?
