Southern by choice
Herd Master
Thanks for posting the video! I've bookmarked it to watch when I have more reliable Internet access. I do need to learn to do this. I have one goat (dry doe, herd queen) who gets fat looking at grass. Then I have my mini alpines who truly need some grain to look good (in my eyes). I might have to feed them separately... Although I'm not breeding the fat one (even though everyone asks me if she's pregnant) so it's not as big of a problem.
I do think there are some goats that will stay on the leaner side no matter what. They are animals and will still be unique.
I do think years ago dairy goats were much leaner but there has been a good deal of discussion on the subject and the consensus is that the wacko animal rights people thought everyone was starving their goats and that is when the pounds started packing on.
I have heard this from dairy goat people that have been in goats forever and several of my vets have said the same thing. My one vet said the show goats are far fatter then they should be.