Why Goats?


Exploring the pasture
Nov 29, 2010
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iamcuriositycat said:
Chiming in really late here, but I just wanted to add that goats really are very hardy. Mine haven't been sick once in the year-and-a-half I've had them.

However, one of them did find a fishing hook and embed it in his lip. We weren't able to take it out ourselves (it was a really nasty triple-barbed deal) and had to take him to the vet--right after my husband lost his job. The large-animal vet is a 45-minute drive (think: gas money) plus the bill was $200.

Another developed diarrhea at one point that fortunately quickly resolved itself, but if it had continued for more than a day, I would have had another vet bill on my hand.

I also don't want to discourage you. We're homeschoolers too and I love for the kids to have their own projects, even if they're time-consuming and/or expensive. But it is good to be realistic. Generally speaking, the larger the animal, the larger the financial investment all around.

I do agree that milking the goat can offset some cost, but it is rare for any good animal project to yield more savings than cost. It's just the nature of taking good care of our livestock--it costs more to do it right.

Still, keep doing your homework, join a 4-H group, see about getting a part-time job to offset some cost, and maybe your mom will come around. And if you're going to pray about it, I highly recommend that you pray for "the best possible outcome--whatever that may be." Our strongest desires aren't always the best thing for us (I know this from sad--and happy--experience). :)

Good luck!
This right here is why I clamp all my barbs. :lol: I'm planning on putting about $300 away for the vet bills, and I'm also planning on getting all the vaccines that I can find, in small amounts of course. I found that there weren't too many cleared for goats, and the bill should only come about to the $20 mark. My dad also works in a medical warehouse, so he can get me all the syringes and stuff like that free. I seem to be in pretty good shape, except for the fact that it is winter and it will be challenging enough to dig the fence post holes. But I'm confident, and once set upon my path I rarely deviate. :lol:

Pertaining to the 4-H.... I simply do not have enough time. I would if I could but I can't.

Thanks for all the helpful posts guys!

Have fun!