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- #131
True BYH Addict
yea probably lamanchas, and yep they sounded like a handfulI borrowed 2 adult females (does?) and one of their kids to clear out a wooded overgrown section of yard & pasture. They had the little elf ears... lamancha??
They were sweet, but kind of a nightmare at the same time. Every day it was either fighting to remove their horns from the woven fencing or searching for them when they crawled through the board fencing.
They did a GREAT job of clearing out the area I needed cleared... then they made it their J.O.B. to remove everything else in the fenced-in yard that wasn't a full grown oak or pine tree... hostas, roses, daylilies, ground covers, forsythias, lilacs, rose of sharron, etc
They also learned - somehow - that if they crawled out between the board fence (with electric lines) between the yard & the paddock, they could run around behind the barn and get inside the barn, then crawling between the boards of the stall walls, they could chase the elderly horse away from her feed and eat that before I could catch them.