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  1. nightshade

    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    so your still at it? that makes me feel better. I took a break for a few weeks. Let my back get a rest but now the power company caught up and I can probably put the rest of my horse fence in after next week. oh ya lol and I still have 50 goat fence posts to put in. I was kinda hoping teh pesky...
  2. nightshade

    RIP Haily

    my son is 6 and is very into the animals it was horrible. I think i cried just as much as he did.
  3. nightshade

    Ivermectin for worms

    please let us know how he does. We just lost a goat over the weekend with conditions that sound awfully familiar to yours, all boney, she never really grew or put weight on after we got her, and seemed rather weak and frail compared to our other goats. Please let us know how you make out. :fl
  4. nightshade

    personalized hand painted glass ornaments $15 +sh

    I talked to the guys at the PO today and they figured out my shipping for me. I can flat rate ship up to 5 ornaments anywhere in the lower US for $11 with insurance but they all must be mailed to the same location for that service. Otherwise it will be a cost for each one. Hope this helps...
  5. nightshade

    RIP Haily

    I am all most certain it was not a parasite due to the fact she was just wormed last week.
  6. nightshade

    RIP Haily

    I am just devastated, we got home today and found our baby goat, born in Feb dead. She is the one that is in my avatar. She was the sweetest little thing. And I have no idea what happened. They had plenty of food and water in the pen. They have been wormed twice since we moved them in May to...
  7. nightshade

    personalized hand painted glass ornaments $15 +sh

    HI guys for years I painted ornaments professionally until the passed two when my father fell ill then passed away. I have decided to once again start painting. So I thought I would start advertising my services here. I will paint ANY pet, house (great first home owners presents), vehicle...
  8. nightshade

    Should I feel guilty?.Hubbys been outside....

    :yuckyuck yea and then you can't stop them and oops was that your rose bush honey I thought it was a brier
  9. nightshade

    Should I feel guilty?.Hubbys been outside....

    lol mine was gone when I got up this morning I too could hear the chain saw running. lucky for me it was just more already downed disappearing. I am getting kinda defensive of my trees with all I lost to the power company right of way, It seems I moved into the woods to be in the woods to end up...
  10. nightshade


    :welcome these fokes are great for know something about everything. Hope you find all the info you are looking for
  11. nightshade

    new goat what kind???/

    nubian would be my guess and I see the "L"too ! Congrats on the new goat, I love getting a new goat especially one with floppy ears :weee
  12. nightshade

    My son just loves Fat Tony!

    yup that is why my hubby names creatures destine for the table things like "Bacon" or "Burger Boy" :smack
  13. nightshade

    I'm having babies tonight ... wait, make that this morning

    I know exactly what you are talking about, we have the furniture for the son's room and that is it. who needs furniture though we can always sit on the floor to eat right ? :hu Good luck with the move and the new babbies
  14. nightshade

    There are no

    :thumbsup exactly
  15. nightshade

    I was sooo scared!

    lol good luck with the little :clap
  16. nightshade

    Hoof triming 101

    I trim mine all once a month so that they do not have a chance to get too long and collect nasty stuff that causes them to rot. I was told that you want the hair on the top of the foot to almost cover the hoof for them to be the correct length. I also worm and give any booster shots at this...
  17. nightshade

    Does your herd have to be all the same breed?

    I have nubians, a pygmy and a pygmy nigi x currently a herd of 12 in all. (with hopes of again Lamanachas in the future.) They all live together and with a mini horse that is like a big goat to them, no problems. I also have a mix horned and non horned goats. Personally I would like to see...
  18. nightshade

    not to happy this afternoon

    :yuckyuck yea it is amazing how they can just swallow whole deer or the annoying little rooster that is just getting out of hand.
  19. nightshade

    I'm having babies tonight ... wait, make that this morning

    congrats on the babies hope they all grow up well for ya. Can't wait to see more pics!
  20. nightshade

    My son just loves Fat Tony!

    yea so it helps protect him from the kid that is trying to eat him :gig