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  1. themrslove

    SUPER weak 4 month old Nigerian Dwarf...HELP!

    Thanks everyone! Baby is doing well still this evening...he has been munching on a high fiber hay blend, pelleted grain ration dressed with molasses, free choice minerals, and baking soda! We gave him 2ml of Power Punch this morning and some calcium drench and that seemed to improve him even...
  2. themrslove

    SUPER weak 4 month old Nigerian Dwarf...HELP!

    BABY MADE IT!!! He looks like a completely different goat! Energetic. Eyes alert, ears erect again rather than droopy. Good appetite. Normal, round, completely formed goatie poops. Chewing, normal gut sounds, RUNNING! Skipping! Holy cow! I am so thrilled! goat slept...
  3. themrslove

    SUPER weak 4 month old Nigerian Dwarf...HELP!

    Keeping my fingers crossed for him...whatever ingredient(s) in the cocktail of treatments that have been shoved down his throat and injected into his little body *seem* to be doing some good. He is nosing around a bit, nibbling on toes, and eating! Much better than earlier when he couldn't...
  4. themrslove

    SUPER weak 4 month old Nigerian Dwarf...HELP!

    I was searching through my goat medicine chest and found a packet of Corrid. I have always heard it is pretty useless...but it is worth a try at all? He has been eating food with deccox since before he was weaned. Ugh...I've tried to keep him healthy and protect him...I feel like such a goat...
  5. themrslove

    SUPER weak 4 month old Nigerian Dwarf...HELP! I have neither. I drenched him with a dose of Levamisole two weeks ago and then again this afternoon when I noticed he was off. All the feed stores here are closed and I have been super rude and called all the breeders I know of within 2 hours of us to see if they have any and of...
  6. themrslove

    SUPER weak 4 month old Nigerian Dwarf...HELP!

    @Kate: I would have taken him already, but he had been improving every day on that front and even last night after he had a normal potty he seemed perfect. He never broke with fever and never went off feed. Tonight when I got home the only vet near us that has any clue about goats had closed...
  7. themrslove

    SUPER weak 4 month old Nigerian Dwarf...HELP!

    I have a little buckling who has had loose pretty liquidy poop for about a week now. I was attributing it to DH feeding him grain one evening rather than his usual ration of alfalfa pellets since he has never had grain before. Through doses of pepto and keeping resorb/bounce back in his water...
  8. themrslove

    4 month old buckling with thick green liquidy poo? :(

    Thanks, Ariel! Hoping it firms up, soon! Sad to see the little guy feeling so blech!
  9. themrslove

    4 month old buckling with thick green liquidy poo? :(

    :( Don't have any. I can order some through vetserv, but even if I have it overnighted it won't be here until Tuesday! Ugh! We have a 24 hour vet nearby, but they won't prescribe any without a visit but they never know anything about goats so they probably won't be able to treat him anyhow...
  10. themrslove

    4 month old buckling with thick green liquidy poo? :(

    I am pretty sure that is food related. DH didn't know better and fed 2 of our boys grain (which he has never eaten) rather than the usual alfalfa pellets for their dinner. On of the bucklings is fine, but the other has had diarrhea for 48 hours now. I have kept re-sorb in his water with...
  11. themrslove

    PRW Boer Goats Kidding Thread: Sugar kidded, pix's added Pg. 4!

    Waiting for fluffy healthy baby pics! Come on, Zan! *nom nom nom* :pop
  12. themrslove

    ~Our 1st Kidding~ Avery Had a Buckling!!! 4/30! New pics

    Hahah she DOES look crabby. I suppose I would be too if I was big and fat and about to pop! Ha! :fl Praying for doelings and waiting for pics when she finally delivers! :pop :pop :pop
  13. themrslove

    two questions.....Vaccinations.....and maybe another goat

    I'm glad you are happy with your decision. :D This is so not the place to go when you need talking OUT of a precious baby goat! That is one of my favorite things about this forum! LOL You bunch of enablers, you! :lau
  14. themrslove

    Pygmy goat still no baby!

    Sounds close! :D But by you mean mucousy discharge? Like an amber colored goo? If she has any sort of puss, I would be worried. :/
  15. themrslove

    Spider BOUNCED! and I am soooo excited. you will see........

    :weee Congrats! I have been silently following Spider's Story! So excited for him! :woot
  16. themrslove

    Kidding Thread *NEW PICS ADDED 6/12*

    Ha! I am thinking the same with my ND girls! I don't want to think about FF Quads! Quads terrify me! I am hoping for twins or trips. (She is a pretty wide girl, so I am hoping that she won't have any trouble with size!) Otherwise, OP...Congrats on the pretty healthy babes! Lovely!
  17. themrslove

    Raw cow's milk okay for 4-5 week old goat kid?

    From what I have heard, unpasteurized non homogenized can cause gut disruption and scours in kids. The proteins in raw cow milk are too big for them to process properly, I think. But I am so not the go to source for new information. :P That is just what I think I remember from previous...
  18. themrslove

    Can goats get chapped lips?? -- Possible soremouth? :(

    They aren't nursing and we have checked all the other goats for any bumps or scabs...nothing. We haven't had a new addition to our herd in two months. (These were the two newest, the one who has it worse arrived 3 months ago, the other a little over 2 months) No one new on our property and no...
  19. themrslove

    Can goats get chapped lips?? -- Possible soremouth? :(

    I know this is so completely random...but one of my little bucklings looks like his mouth is getting irritated. I thought I was getting an outbreak of soremouth in two of my bucklings so they were isolated two days ago. The one that looked worse has one big scab on his nostril/upper lip (just...