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  1. themrslove

    doeling won't stop milking pregnant mom

    Yikes! Your doeling is 6 months and pregnant? :/ Regardless, there is nothing you can do besides separate them. Maybe you need to have different areas for your different aged goats. A pen for senior does, a pen for junior does of non breeding age, (which would avoid breeding too young of...
  2. themrslove

    ●●The Oklahoma Thread●● (Go OU!)

    I'm from Oklahoma, too! :) Hooray! Teeny tine start up goat herd and a couple chickens! :bun
  3. themrslove

    I got an updated photo of my baby! :)

    Thanks everyone! I am hoping that he lives up to the hype! :) I know it is hard to assess goats as kids...but I have such high hopes for him! :bun
  4. themrslove

    How about some pictures of goat "toys"?

    I don't have a picture of it, but we made a couple foot "mountain" for them out of a big pile of reclaimed flagstone. They love bounding up to the top and then pushing each other off. :rolleyes: Plus, it had an unintended benefit! It cuts down on the time between hoof trimmings!
  5. themrslove

    Training question

    What are you trying to train it to do? :hu
  6. themrslove

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    Oh goodness that is just precious! :)
  7. themrslove

    Is this Nigerian Dwarf Buck worth the cost?

    I have had my eye on adding a Promisedland goat to my little heard for quite some time now...they have a breeding program that I admire greatly. :) The little buckling you have picked out is fabulous! I don't think that I would ever talk someone out of one of their precious little babies...
  8. themrslove

    Picking up my Nigerians tomorrow!!! GOT 'EM - PICS!!

    :woot Nigerian Dwarves are fantastic!!! You will love 'em! :celebrate
  9. themrslove

    Buckling Having Trouble Breathing, UPDATE PG 5

    Go ahead and cry...I'll even cry with you. :( Sometimes it makes it easier to handle if you let yourself get out all the emotions. Then you can look at the situation more objectively. But I agree...little man looks hungry. Hope after he gets some food in him he starts calming down a little...
  10. themrslove

    Updated...February - Doodle kidded, pics page 32

    Oh goodness that little buck is fabulous! His ears are absolutely perfect! :love :love :love
  11. themrslove

    Tell me about preggo bellies

    I was wondering the same thing! Hopefully someone can explain it. :D
  12. themrslove

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    What is the going rate for goat models now a days??? LOL :lau :gig He most certainly is beautiful, though!!! :celebrate
  13. themrslove

    I got an updated photo of my baby! :)

    Nope! I am in Oklahoma! Haha! But goodness your little guy is a cutie!!! I can't wait to actually meet mine! :D
  14. themrslove

    Lots of goat pics

    Oh goodness! I love your mini cow! And the little yearling Togg....he is adorable! I just may have to break my "minis only" rule and get one...:P
  15. themrslove

    Winter Kidding Watch =) Aspen's Turn Pics Pg 59 ALL DONE

    Oh GOODNESS! Kid #1 is ADORABLE!!! :drool Love love love!!! :love
  16. themrslove


    Two does and a buck! :weee
  17. themrslove


    I wonder. :/ But there are 3 bouncing goaties on the ground! So that makes me happy! :D
  18. themrslove


    :fl Definitely hoping that nothing is wrong! Sending happy thoughts their way. :/
  19. themrslove


    I will definitely be checking their site later to see fluffy pictures! :) Hooray for a safe delivery! :weee