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  1. MReit

    Boss cows

    Good looking cow :) My boss is the fatest one too! Hmmm coincidence?
  2. MReit

    poly hay rings

    Sounds like a great idea, but like JHM said, not for the cold weather! lol I've never even seen them up here. I'm powdercoating all our outside metal items so they last, but I have connections to do it cheap. The only thing I'd worry about is them destroying it, cause you know how cows just...
  3. MReit

    It's lonely here in the doghouse!

    haha, that's why I've spent the last month putting up a fence that will burn their hair off :D
  4. MReit

    Boss cows

    Oh what a fun topic! We have one of course, DH wanted to butcher her..teeheehee. I'm the only one she doesn't give a hard time, but I tell him time and time again she'll be a great mother and as long as she's good to me thats all that matters.
  5. MReit

    Mornin' cow folks, new moo lover here with ??

    True..we are lucky in a way, but then again not if we want to buy dairy
  6. MReit

    Mornin' cow folks, new moo lover here with ??

    wow! DON'T butcher her!! You can sell her for so much more! Get her a lil pasture friend and butcher that one if you want the meat :) Hols can be bred as early as a year, so you could sell her then, or keep her, breed her A.I. and sell her as a springer you could get even more $$. :welcome
  7. MReit

    We're wet

    Yikes! We had alot of rain like that about a month ago. I took pics of the pasture, the creek swelled over about a foot from the top of the banks..I don't mind the rain, I just hate having the swamp it leaves behind!
  8. MReit

    It's lonely here in the doghouse!

    oh mymymy...just go drink a beer JHM. Really, it will make you feel better and have one for me too! I'd say the woman is over-reacting and really being sick isn't an excuse to be so rotten to you. If you own cows then you must be always ready to chase cows and not get mad cause then it makes...
  9. MReit


    Welcome! I'm partial to both beef and dairy..enjoy it here, your in good company!:welcome
  10. MReit

    starting out with mini cattle

    I agree, not enough land to be working with. I'd say with feed and hay 2 cows would be okay. Too many would just make it a mud pit :( Good luck! :welcome
  11. MReit

    Mountain lion help please.

    Much better!! I would recommend atleast that, haha, a .22 around here rarely kills groundhogs. Atleast I usually have my trusty pup along, she does a great job.
  12. MReit

    Hello! Dexter breeder from Florida.

    :welcome Good looking cows!
  13. MReit

    stray in pasture

    hehehe don't you LOVE idiots?!?! Remember, you can always think about it later and laugh, knowing how stupid they can be! I like to play dumb back and see how they react..teeheehee:lau
  14. MReit

    Updated calf pics

    Extra teats arn't too bad on beef. Mine have a couple but I'm not cutting them off just due to the fact it isn't important. If your getting your dairy classified then it is a BIG no-no to have extras. *shruggs* so Its all your personal feeling. Very nice looking calves though, your highxherford...
  15. MReit

    Trouble maker

    Oh I was paying attention, my wonderful brother's POS truck hand just didn't let go fast enough. I miss that calf he was pretty, and your right, only 550lbs when he left.
  16. MReit

    bad morning

    Yeah I'm definately putting it somewhere that can easily be fenced in. I only have 13 so I really don't want to lose any. I'm slightly even getting attached to the lil buggers!
  17. MReit

    Trouble maker

    Yeah I put them higher up so the halters wouldn't be too tight. If they were lower on the noses then the halter seems to tighten up easily and may rub. I'll take them off in 3-4 days, we'll see how they progress. If I have time this year, I think I'd like to show Rocket, but thats months away so...
  18. MReit

    bad morning

    Not good.....I started building my coop this weekend. I'm hoping nothing comes close to the barn that I don't have to cage the lil things...good luck, I always find shooting the predators more satisfying!
  19. MReit

    Trouble maker

    Here is Tic-Tac and Rocket settled in nicely..Being taken from mom, tied in a trailer, then being loved and walked around tired them out! They didn't do too bad for never seeing a halter before :)
  20. MReit

    "Y" Chromosome

    Congrats!!! I'm so happy to hear about people babies :) DH and I are "trying" to give some more grandkids.. seems its a bit harder then I thought!