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  1. Chicos Mama


    **UPDATE** Miss Dorita it would seem has pnemonia as suspected. I started her on pen-G Pro that first night and have made her a pin cushion ever since! Her fever is down and she seems much more comfortable now on day 4. She still will not eat much, a few Mulberry leaves here and there, a few...
  2. Chicos Mama


    Please help with any and all input! I have a very old, geriatric gal "Dorita", who is approx. 13 years old... many of you have heard her sad tale. After many years of caring for this old gal, she is down as of today. I took her temp. and its 105.1, She wont eat, drink or get up without me...
  3. Chicos Mama

    Does this sound like Goat Polio? **UPDATE**

    2 wormers at the same time? Try this link please:
  4. Chicos Mama

    Does this sound like Goat Polio? **UPDATE**

    Meningeal Worm I have pour on Iver. but am going to the feed store tommorrow for injectable. Chico weighs 180 lbs. And that high dosage was for the Goat Guard (24 ml. once daily for 5 days)
  5. Chicos Mama

    Does this sound like Goat Polio? **UPDATE**

    THANKS ELEVAN! This is the dosage Ive been using = to 24 ml. once daily for 5 that calculation right? Also, Isnt Lungworm and Meningeal Worm different? He has no symptoms of Lungworm and all of the other. I did get the Thiamine from the Vet Bottle says: Vitamin B Complex/Thiamine...
  6. Chicos Mama

    Does this sound like Goat Polio? **UPDATE**

    Good to go on the Ivermectin for cattle, feed store has that. How many injections of that ? Also just ordered some Pen-G as well as syringes and other "goodies" from Jeffers. Dosage on the Pen-G? IF this isnt meningeal worm, will this high dose of Goat guard harm him? Im just shooting in the...
  7. Chicos Mama

    Does this sound like Goat Polio? **UPDATE**

    O.K. ya`ll...I suspect meningeal worm. I started him on B complex shots (Thiamine)on Friday and he gets the last of them today. I wanted to try and eliminate "goat polio"...No changes what so ever in him in a positive way...slightly worse. Then i suspected Listerosis...checked all hay No Mold...
  8. Chicos Mama


    Can you inject Ivermec Pour on?
  9. Chicos Mama

    Does this sound like Goat Polio? **UPDATE**

    Believe it or not, My Vet told me to keep getting advice from all you goaty people cuz you seem to know more than he does! He is a large animal Vet but deals mostly with Catlle and Horses...I am his only goat "patient" basically, he is at a loss! :he
  10. Chicos Mama

    Does this sound like Goat Polio? **UPDATE**

    On Mothers Day I lost my beloved "Violet" :hit The vet was out 2 days earlier for her as she suddenly was congested and weezing. Her temp. was 103.5, He gave her an antibiotic shot and some pro-biotics to increase her appetite. Her weezing stopped the next day and although she was "mopping"...
  11. Chicos Mama

    Name That Goat Contest...ends Christmas Eve!

    Ellie-May or Ms. Sugar Britches! :clap
  12. Chicos Mama

    Please HELP! 2 year old Wether Stuggling to pee! GOOD UPDATE!!

    Heres what I feed: Yeah...THATS my Fat Wether (not a pregnant Doe) CHICO! (See why hes on a diet?) He says hes not fat, he just "spreads-out" when he lays down! :hide
  13. Chicos Mama

    Let's Look at our Different Feeding Practices *GOATS*

    Northern Arizona, Hot & Dry Summers, Wet & Cold Winters (no snow) 3 Spoiled Nubian goats, 1 Wether, 2 dry Does ( 3yrs. old & 12 yrs. old) I feed my goats the same year round except for in the Summer then I add Timothy hay alongside their Alfalpha Hay (Cant find Timothy hay here in the winter...
  14. Chicos Mama

    Please HELP! 2 year old Wether Stuggling to pee! GOOD UPDATE!!

    Chico showing off his winter garb! (Goats in Coats!) Chico & Violet love their coats!
  15. Chicos Mama

    Please HELP! 2 year old Wether Stuggling to pee! GOOD UPDATE!!

    Made a note of that! Thank you VERY much! :bow
  16. Chicos Mama

    Please HELP! 2 year old Wether Stuggling to pee! GOOD UPDATE!!

    Thank you all for your support, prayers and well wishes! AND...understanding my "DUTIES" as a Goat Mama. My Fiance` on the other hand, wants to know how he can get UI :smack (Sorry...I just had to add that) Chico is doing great as of this morning and proudly takes his stance and shows off...
  17. Chicos Mama

    Please HELP! 2 year old Wether Stuggling to pee! GOOD UPDATE!!

    O.K Im going to tell you all something only because as "Goaty" people...ONLY ya`ll would understand... *Deep Breath* goes... :hide Out of desperation, and worry for my poor boy...I decided to try something COMPLETLY UNORTHODOX! Oh geez....No she didnt!....Oh Yes she did! :ep...
  18. Chicos Mama

    Please HELP! 2 year old Wether Stuggling to pee! GOOD UPDATE!!

    Thank you Redtailedgal! He truley is one obnoxious boy to everyone but me! And I adore him! 20kidsonahill and elevan: His "sheath area" is clean and dry a a bone. I am unable to crawl under him and press "IT" :idunno out so to speak...on account of his lovely set of horns! Which he thinks fit...
  19. Chicos Mama

    Please HELP! 2 year old Wether Stuggling to pee! GOOD UPDATE!!

    Wellll....THAT was FUN!!! :rant Update: Gave Chico 2oz. lemon juice w/2 TBS. Fruit Fresh, 2 (200mg.) crushed Ibuprofin mixed in and GAGGED him with a Turkey Baster! :sick (He stepped on my drencher our first go round of "battle" and broke it.) So when in a pinch...That old turkey baster worked...