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  1. M

    PG or what?

    These were taken this morning. What does it look like to you all? Wondering now if she might be closer to delivering than predicted at three months. Curious. Deb
  2. M

    PG or what?

    Her udder looks fuller today than it did yesterday. I don't want to get my hopes up that she is having it/then sooner. I just thought it might be from the heat we had today. I guess I need to get my kidding kit together sooner than I thought , maybe. THANKS. Deb
  3. M

    Should I keep him?

    I would take him in a heart beat. Spend time down at his level, finding out that is what I have to do with the the two does I got a month ago. They don't know me and it has been a long stretch but I am gaining their trust finally and can pet them when ever I go in their area. He is a keeper...
  4. M

    PG or what?

    Have another question. Went out this after noon and Java had a light yellowish discharge coming out of her like a human woman with a yeast infection. Could it just be a yeast infection and if so what should I do? Not much discharge but enough that I saw it. It was rather warm today, enough...
  5. M

    PG or what?

    Well, we had a big break through today. After my granddaughter left the goat area and things calmed down a bit, Nutmeg walked over to me and sniffed my hand and then moved in so that I could scratch her chin and neck. I even got to scratch her back and backside but not to much. I will take these...
  6. M

    PG or what?

    Went out a little while ago and took the last box of raisins we had. Grand daughter was upset cuz' those were for her snack today. But she got over it when I said we would go and buy more. Nutmeg stood back as I sat down and opened the box but as soon as Java got near me, nutmeg came running up...
  7. M

    PG or what?

    It doesn't sound funny. Java has been the more friendly of the two and I pet her a lot more than Nutmeg will allow me to pet her. Don't know how to ignore preggers (Java) when Nutmeg won't come and let me pet her like Java will. I am trying to be patient and TRYING to divide time and affection...
  8. M

    PG or what?

    Thank Mum, that is what I thought. Wasn't sure what "treats" they would like. I will try tomorrow to make better friends with Nutmeg. Maybe a few treats just for her since Java is already a sweetie. THANKS for all your help. Deb
  9. M

    PG or what?

    Well, tried to milk Nutmeg today and it was nothing. She didn't want anything to do with me or the milking and when I did get a hand on it there was nothing coming out. She is so small ( her bag ) that I really didn't think I would get anything. She is getting more friendly though. I sat out in...
  10. M

    PG or what?

    Guess since a few of you think this, I will have to give it a try. Can't hurt, right? Thanks
  11. M

    PG or what?

    Mama It has been over a week and a half since she last nursed her baby and I didn't know that she was milkable so hadn't been milking her. Her teat is a lot smaller than it was 10 days ago. Just wish I would have known when I brought her home on the 14th and could have started milking her...
  12. M

    PG or what?

    I used to sit on the computer ALL day playing games on FB but I don't have time anymore for much. I do get on here at night after I put my 5 year old Grand Daughter to bed and then get checking out things and before I know it, it is WAY past my bed time. I could spend all day outside with the...
  13. M

    PG or what?

    Thanks Queen Mum. I am trying to be VERY patient with Nutmeg since she is more skiddish than Java Chip. She will take more time to get to trust me and that is fine, I have nothing but time. I had really wanted to get babies so that I could learn as they grew and they might be more willing to...
  14. M

    PG or what?

    Mama24; If I had it to do all over again knowing what I know now I can't say I would have driving up to KC and bought the two goats from this woman. I was emailing her for weeks and she answered whatever question I had but since I didn't know what to ask, guess I didn't ask the right one. I did...
  15. M

    PG or what?

    Thank you both SO much. I was thinking IF she was she couldn't be to far along but it WOULD have been nice to have been told about when she might be having her kid(s). Like I mentioned I have never had goats and don't know anything about them but what I have read and it seems to me that someone...
  16. M

    PG or what?

    Bought two goats 11 days ago from a woman I THOUGHT was a good breeder. She told me that Java got into the bucks pen and she didn't notice for a few days, BUT she can't remember when that was and said that she is PG. Can't even give me an estimated time of kidding. I know absolutely nothing...
  17. M

    Anyone near MO raise ND's

    I just bought two Nigerian Dwarf does a little over a week ago and one is supposedly pregnant. The breeder can't tell me how far a long she is or when she might have the kid(s) which I think is strange IF she is really a good breeder. The other doe has weaned her two kids she had and is drying...
  18. M

    Milking ?

    How would I find someone in my general area that is a RELIABLE breeder? I thought the woman I got these two was but now I am not sure since she didn't tell me anything. I didn't even get a receipt, just their certificates. I want to eventually breed Nutmeg this fall but don't trust her so...
  19. M

    Milking ?

    Thank you so much. My hubby is down in the barn working on a milk stand as I type this. I will go to the sight now and read ALL I can absorb at this sight. Really appreciate you letting me know about it. THANKS!!!
  20. M

    Milking ?

    THANKS for answering my questions. I don't have a milk stand as of yet. Have found something that will work but need to get the part that holds her head built. I did it by sitting on the floor and trying it that way. Didn't get it all. I will try that later today. None of the stores are open...