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  1. B

    Finally found some Dexters!(Pictures of the New Cattle!)

    Oh, Nice! Congrats!!! I am just about sold on Dexters (if I could ever afford any!) but I love highlands too. A cross could be really tempting! :) Friend was trying to talk me into British Whites instead.
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    Round bales and being exposed to the elements?

    I may have missed it, but in case you are putting round bales out for your animals, or storing them outside, make SURE you have them standing on the round side. They should not be lying on a flat side with the round making the outside "wall" (I hope I explained that well enough) or rain can get...
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    new to livestock! Please tell me how you keep the barn clean

    What an awesome idea! Darn, my current barn-ette actually needs expanding within the next couple of years. I don't have a pig, but I'm almost tempted by this idea. I just *might* have to consider this. :)
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    new to livestock! Please tell me how you keep the barn clean

    I actually had mine briefly on concrete. That's super-easy to clean but the goats need wood beds to get off the floor. I had good luck with hard-packed dirt for some time too. Right now I spread the wasted hay in their stalls and just add more weekly or so. With new kids it's starting to smell...
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    Rabbit Hutch within Goat pen??

    I originally put my rabbit cages in an area of the barn that the goats could get to. They promptly discovered rabbit food and tore the feeders off, pushed the cages around, and smashed the corners of them. NOT a good idea in my case. I'd wanted the rabbits to be out of the sun and wind and safe...
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    Frustrating doe

    I'd second the advice of the back-up buck. That wasn't my intention -- silly me, I actually had PLANS and REASONS for wanting to breed this buck and that doe (I actually kept 3 bucks, but one is getting gone since "his" doe will have nothing to do with him). However I have several does with...
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    First litter and cold night coming

    I know this is an older thread, and so sorry you lost the babies. I hope things are very soon coming along better. Just in case someone searches this later I wanted to agree that you might actually want to avoid heat lamps. I normally use a regular bulb in a shielded lamp for heat for baby...
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    Mother Not Breastfeeding??

    Is your doe super-nervous or something? What breed are they? It's going to depend. But my girls are all very laid-back. I sometimes (rarely) have a doe that will grumble or growl a bit (and I let them alone once I make sure kits are alive and eating) but normally I can handle them anytime if I...
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    anyone with litters due in march? :) i do!

    I've had three litters so far in March -- all of them Cali/NZ crosses. Two litters of pure Cali due later this month. And I have one pen of Calis growing out. Bunnies everywhere this year! (Was slow around here with me and other breeders as well last year). Now if only two of my Cali does...
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    Mother Not Breastfeeding??

    Many times you'll never see the doe in the nest. Mine usually feed the kits only at night. If you pick up the kits and look at them you can tell if they are being fed. If they have rounded tummies and skin is plump, and you can usually see white in the bellies of newborns, they are fine. Unfed...
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    does the milk bag size have anything tto do with sex of baby?

    If anyone figures out how to influence the sex of the kids, I'm sure they could market it. ;) I'd buy it!
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    What is a normal weight for a nubian kid at birth?

    Mine sound similar to yours. They are younger (also born pretty close together). My bucklings are now all around 9-10 pounds, and the doeling is 5 pounds. I got three boys and one girl. :( At least I got a girl, and she IS the prettiest one. Her brother is twice her size though. I guess she got...
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    2-day doeling-knees bending out - followup question on doeling post 19

    Hmmmm ..... Yes, if having help will still work, I can do it. If he's on the ground, I'm pretty sure I can hold him there. Just might take 2-3 people to GET him there. He respects men, and even boys. I wondered if it was that I'm female. His horns are too wide for bicycle grips -- Nubian...
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    2-day doeling-knees bending out - followup question on doeling post 19

    Lol was typing the other answer.... Really? Hmmmm. When he was growing up, he challenged me. And yes, I threw hm down. I didn't know I was supposed to sit on him lol. I did it maybe 3 times, and I guess for a long time we had no problems. I'm not sure I'm physically capable now. He outweighs...
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    2-day doeling-knees bending out - followup question on doeling post 19

    I know you're right. Fact is, really should do away with him and just get a buckling now. He should be old enough to breed this fall. Funny, since I have 3 bucklings to get rid of, but of course I can't use my own. And yes, that's exactly what worries me. He knows he "won" now, and that makes...
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    2-day doeling-knees bending out - followup question on doeling post 19

    OHHHH, I think I understand now. I read some other threads here and got confused as well. I should get plenty of sleep before I dose anything, but that doeling needed help today. I thought you meant 1/2 cc for KIDS of full size goats. I don't know why I read it that way ... probably because...
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    2-day doeling-knees bending out - followup question on doeling post 19

    Thanks. I'd contacted the county extension, but they never got back to me. I guess they don't expect to be asked about selenium levels locally. I didn't want to overdo it, since it can be toxic? I do think they does and kids are in need of it though. I hope the doe whose front knees just...
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    2-day doeling-knees bending out - followup question on doeling post 19

    Darn, I messed up. At least I didn't go the other way. I was going to go between the 1/4 and 1/2 cc because she's small. The other kids all weigh around 8-9 pounds and she's only 5 pounds. Somehow my brain did the math wrong and I ended up giving her .15 cc Is it safe to give her a separate...
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    2-day doeling-knees bending out - followup question on doeling post 19

    LOL you are right on that one! When the first doe kidded, I had checked on the goats first thing in the morning. I don't release them from their stalls until I get everyone moved through the gates and into the right pasture, because otherwise the goats will shove through and I'll have a 2-hour...
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    2-day doeling-knees bending out - followup question on doeling post 19

    Thanks so much. I'll head over to the vets after lunch. Any suggestion as to type of b-vit and dosage? I have human liquid sublingual b-complex, and I have b capsules w/intrinsics for a large dog with pancreas insufficiency. If I have anything I bought for goats it's going to be 2 years old...