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  1. H

    Y'all doing anything to keep your rabbits cool?

    You can freeze a water bottle and they sleep against it also you could freeze a tile and they love to lay on it. Make sure you spray them 2 times a day with a spray bottle to keep them cool. ;)
  2. H

    All your pics of VERY cute bunnies are really really tempting me!

    If you start rabbits i would advise the holland lop they are good first time breeds! Heres some more temptation! Oh come on u know you want one! :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
  3. H

    It's my turn!

    :yuckyuck :lau :lau Haha that happened to one of our cats before!! But we thought she was a boy but then one day oh theres a litter on my bed lol :lau
  4. H

    pictures of rabbit cages? and is this a good breed of rabbits to start

    Heres pics of mine in the pic the 3 bottom cages aren't totally finished but they are now!
  5. H

    Bunny Sellers in Missori BEWARE

    Thats not right i hope the family gets through this alright! :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs
  6. H

    What colors?!?!

    I sell mine for about $25-$35 where are you located?
  7. H

    Will attend my first Rabbit Show

    I would say Holland lops they are good first time rabbits. Also note at rabbit shows rabbits normally go gor $65-$200
  8. H

    Bathing rabbits??

    don't give rabbits baths it washes off good oils on them! They are very good at cleaning themselfs.
  9. H

    How well do baby bunnies climb???

    They can't egzactly climb but they can jump up to 5 ft.
  10. H

    Might get a foal as a first time horse?

    Nah i think i will stick with getting one. All i asked for was some info on breaking them.
  11. H

    Your rabbitry

    Heres mine! In the pic the 3 bottom cages arn't finished but they are now!! Good luck with the Rabbitry!
  12. H

    Has anyone Bred Holland Lops with Ether Lionheads or Mini Rex?

    I have seen some Mini rex x holland lop and they are cute! Hey maybe i wanna try that :idunno
  13. H

    Need advice for breeding Flemish Giants?

    It may still work their palvis closes up at about 2 rs so try now and it might work!
  14. H

    What breed are these bunnies?

    The big mama is definitly californian and the babies look almost mix or even flemesh giant their ears are to long to be polish.
  15. H

    What is this color called?

    def simease sable no doubt about it!!!
  16. H

    jersey wooly and holland lop breeders

    Go to the ARBA rabbit breeders society They have a list of breeders in every state! I breed Holland lops too but am all the way in wi
  17. H

    Might get a foal as a first time horse?

    Hey, I am looking to maybe buy a filly so i could breed it. I want to hand train it. This would be my first horse EVER!!! I haven't really learned about horses that much but i know how to ride so i think i could handle this. I have some books on how to break young horses and have gotten alot of...
  18. H

    What colors?!?!

    Ok thanks for the info on what colors!
  19. H

    What colors?!?!

    I have some 3 and a half wk old Holland lops. Their mom is a broken tort i think. And the dad is a BEW. I just need help determing the colors for the babies! Broken Blue? It looks chestnut in the pic but in person it is a darkish gray color. Solid black tort? :hu Broken tort? :hu Does...