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  1. T

    Flemish giants

    Thanks! I was thinking we may have one litter. Sell some as pets and than eat the extras! We won't mind if they take a while to grow out. Agnes(new goat) is settling in wonderfully. She is a real sweetie!
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    Flemish giants

    We have a couple of flemish. Just as pets. But I was curious if they had any other purpose? I assume they grow to slow to be economical meat rabbits. They don't have special fur. So do people only keep them for show or pets? Thanks
  3. T

    HELP! How to care for doe and brand new kits?

    That is a very interesting link. I am new to breeding rabbits and I'm not prepared. I bought a supposedly 2 week along pregnant flemish brought her home only to have the breeder email and say she was ready to kindle and she had the dates wrong. Well no babies yet perhaps the breeder was...
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    My vet taught my DH and I to give IM shots in the neck..,....funny thing though....I'm a nurse and give shots to people everyday....I have never been able to give them to my animals. I don't know why, poor dh has to give all shots. I get nervous...I think its because I'm not as familar with...
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    Lost my doeling to a horrible accident. New ?

    Thanks. We love her regardless of what she is, its just fun to play guess the breeds.
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    Venting some frustration....(rant)

    I feel the same way and this a huge pet peeve of mine. We have a lot of animals. I have an emergency account for them PLUS a credit card with a rather high limit just in case. I choose to care for them, I am responsible for any medical care they may need. My Bullmastiffs breeder required...
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    Pic added page 2. So what is she?

    Well if she isn't pregnant yet she will be bred to a nubian buck this fall. If she is then she'll be bred to a nubian buck next year. Regardless of her breeds I think we would have a ton of work to do to ever be able to milk her as she really doesn't liked to be touched(she was rarely handled...
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    Lost my doeling to a horrible accident. New ?

    Thanks Kimmyh, I was aware of the heredity of airplane ears. I just didn't realize nigis or saanans had long ears. I guess I will have to do a google search.
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    Lost my doeling to a horrible accident. New ?

    Your right she is somewhat small. Not nearly as tall as a nubian. I just guessed Nubian crossed with something due to the airplane ears(which I love). Kimmyh would that cross cause her to have airplane ears?
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    Pic added page 2. So what is she?

    Well I finally got a pic of her, what do you guys think she is?
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    Lost my doeling to a horrible accident. New ?

    Hi usernametaken! Yeah it was a pretty tough loss but we have rebounded from it. Our new girl is very sweet, I am so curious to find out if she is pregnant. I am starting to doubt it. Her udder has shrunk since we got her it which sort of confuses me. I hadn't asked when she had kidded...
  12. T

    Pic added page 2. So what is she?

    Wow What beautiful goats, I absolutely love the color of Derricho. I am trying to figure out the breeds of my newly acquired doe. She was advertised as a Nubian but I knew she wasn't as she has airplane ears and lacks the roman nose. Anyways we bought her anyways as we needed a companion...
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    Pic added page 2. So what is she?

    Especially nubian/saanan but all crosses are appreciated. Thanks Tara
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    Lost my doeling to a horrible accident. New ?

    Thanks everyone, and Sweet cheeks good luck with your new goats. You will love them! We went to look at the "nubian" doe. She appears to me to be a Nubian Saanen cross. She has airplane ears and is all white. Shes definately not a purebred. Desperate for a buddy for Oliver we bought her...
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    Lost my doeling to a horrible accident. New ?

    okay. Well we will go and look at her. My only reservation is the fact that she has been running with a billy and the owners have no idea if she was bred. So I would have no idea when to expect babies if she was. That makes me nervous. I like to have everything planned. She is 3 and...
  16. T

    Lost my doeling to a horrible accident. New ?

    Well he may have to be miserable until spring. In our area there is not alot of goats and this time of year, well even less. The only goat I am able to find is a 3 yr old possibly bred nubian doe. I assume that she wouldn't make an appropriate companion for a 7-8 month old toggenburg...
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    Lost my doeling to a horrible accident. New ?

    ?Anyways to make a long horrible story short I lost my doeling yesterday morning. It was my fault. We had been away all weekend and the goats had been penned in our smaller pen(my mother feeding and watering them) When we got home I put the goats collars on to move them from the small pen...
  18. T

    Severe diarrhea.

    She is doing much better tonight but I had a... bad evening. She is now eating bits of hay and drinking on her own and her diarrhea is starting to slowly firm up. Pudding consistency instead of water. (the color was brown, maybe a touch of yellowish instead of dark brown). My bad evening, I...
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    Severe diarrhea.

    She gets browse and what ever weeds and grass she wants to pick out of my lawn(no pesticides or fertilizers used for years here). The browse she gets I cut branches and give to her, from safe trees on my property. She gets alfalfa hay and a complete goat pellet, free choice loose minerals(for...
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    Severe diarrhea.

    Yeah it was a bit rough. I'm tired today. I only ended up getting up 3 times to check on her and give her electrolytes. But its worth it, even just to see a little progress.