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  1. T

    breeds? Purebreds or cross breeds?

    Great, well thank you. I saw the adults that my doe came from and am sure she is an alpine. I didn't see the adults of my male though. So you could very well be right. I don't really care, they are just pets I was just really interested. On another note, Oliver(brown one) Is 4 weeks...
  2. T

    breeds? Purebreds or cross breeds?

    Thanks Chris, that is a possibility but they have VERY different head shapes so my guess would be they are different breeds.
  3. T

    banding horns

    I have heard that sometimes when you band horns, you can end up with a hole in the goats head. It was a thread on BYC. Anyways is this a common problem? Is there a way to avoid it and what do you do if it does happen. Thanks Tara
  4. T

    My new goat needs a friend....what should I get?

    I personally would get a doe or yes another wether. If you don't plan on dehorning him or banding his horns then I would get a second goat with horns. He is adorable!
  5. T

    My new goat needs a friend....what should I get?

    The typo in this sentence makes me laugh....I wonder what she has on her mind.
  6. T

    banding horns

    I don't think scurs are a big deal, I bet you could just band them again!
  7. T

    banding horns

    Thanks for starting this post annanicole 18. This is something I am also considering. Did you find out what length the horns have to be before you band them? Also besides the possibility of scurs, is this permanent? Thanks, I didn't mean to hijack your thread just gather information as well. Tara
  8. T

    Goat kid with itch ears.

    Yes well my doeling is okay. I have vet appt tomorrow, will let you know what she says..
  9. T

    breeds? Purebreds or cross breeds?

    REALLY? I had no idea they could breed that young! Yes we are going to wether him. We are going to band him next week, he has an appt for his shots then will be banded that same day.(vets advice). I'm glad you told me that though my vet didn't mention that possibility!
  10. T

    Don't judge me its just a question!

    Yes I have thought of that. I'm not much of a gardener, the only thing I care about are my tropical canna lillies. I suppose I could fence them off.
  11. T

    breeds? Purebreds or cross breeds?

    Thanks we love them. I wish some one would have told me sooner what fun, intelligent quirky animals goats are. Before I got these guys the only goats I have been around is the pushy, butting goats in petting zoos.
  12. T

    breeds? Purebreds or cross breeds?

    he he. I know! They already have tasted my hostas! I don't really mind though as long as they don't touch my canna lillies!
  13. T

    Don't judge me its just a question!

    Thank you critterkeeper. I will let you know how it goes.
  14. T

    breeds? Purebreds or cross breeds?

    Okay, I got the little brown guy from some man who buys a lot of dairy goat billies in big numbers for cheap and then re sells them to make a profit. He didn't know his breed. The lighter colored one (my doeling) was sold to my husband as a buckling, he didn't know until he got her home and...
  15. T

    Don't judge me its just a question!

    Yes I know this. But like I said in my first post they would only be confined by the invisible fence when I am outside with them. I only use it for my dogs this way as well. It just gives me some extra insurance that they won't go on the road if I get busy doing yard work and am not paying as...
  16. T

    Don't judge me its just a question!

    Hi everyone I have a little Toggenburg wether and a little alpine doeling that are our beloved pets. They have a nice pen but have eaten all the browse in it. I take them for walks around the rest of our property(3 acres) so they can browse and get exercise and explore. They pretty much stay...
  17. T

    I need some goat advice

    Not to high jack your thread, but chirpy could you go into more detail about how to band a goats horns? I would rather not have horned goats, for safety reasons (people and goats). But my 2 goats both have horns, they are still fairly young but not young enough to disbud them. At what opoint...
  18. T

    Good Grains

    SO there is no specific need to feed grain to goats? I am very new to goats, mine have free choice hay and get a lot of browse. Am I wasting my money on grain?( they actually don't really eat it anyway but I felt that it was important to them). They are in good conditon and they are just...
  19. T

    Goat kid with itch ears.

    bheila sorry we must have been typing at the same time. Yes thats a good idea. Just thought I would check on here first and see if maybe it was a common problem that I could treat my self. Good advice.