Some of my fat babies still have remnants of their milk goiters (Tambora for instance) at a year old :P
A hard swelling is SOME kind of abscess. I would get it to a vet and have it lanced/tested.
:P #1 was sideways presenting with a spine, you pushed it back in and pulled breech. #2 was a normal presentation but was the booger that had shoved #1 in there sideways, you got it out with peri-stimulaition. #3 was all goobered up, upside down and twisted sideways best I could tell from...
I would be grinding my teeth too! Banamine and oxytocin would be in order if she were here. If you don't have the banamine, try children's advil (I think?)...Roll knows the dose?
According to my phone log, it was only 14 minutes!!
I even shave my goaties that aren't showing, every spring, every one of them. A) to give the skin some air B) to help them blow that winter fuzz and C) to make sure they're conditioned the way I FEEL they are or should be.
Or, more simply, a hard piece of hay can pierce the esophagus and cause an abscess - had two of those in my time so far. GROSS to lance and clean, esp. when the vet finds the offending piece of hay :sick
The picture just got a little clearer for me...
I do hope that, for the sake of the goat, the dates are wrong and there was a midnight meeting. And for your sake, because I can tell you from first hand experience that you don't want to go through what my husband and I did with that young doe's...
You couldn't PAY me to groom someone else's goats, dogs, horses, etc. I used to be really really good at mane plaits and tail rolls for hunters and people offered big bucks for me to do theirs at shows. NOPE. NADA. NOT ME! Y'all can save the finger cramps and yarn burns for your own...
Yep, normal. That's why wethers are great teasers for those who don't want to keep a buck - they help you know when to 'load and go' for driveway breedings!
When we first got into goats, we unwittingly bred our 4 month old doe Helen to a 3 month old buck, Henry. So, yeah, I have hands on experience here. The kid, BTW, had to be cut into pieces IN UTERO to be extracted after FOUR HOURS of trying to pull it, and we nearly lost Helen.
I agree, and if by some far stretch you are right about her breeding date...regardless of what your vet is saying, there's a BIG problem.
People have also been sure of feeling kids, when they weren't, and months later had to admit it. Goats are masters of "made ya look!"
Fenbendazole (safe guard) does nothing for external parasites, and in most parts of the country, does nothing for the INTERNAL ones, either. Go ahead with the ivermec...won't hurt a thing, even if you give them the same day.