Boarding her? What's the point? She may likely have one lump in her life. Maybe one or two a year. No need to kill, cull, or board her. If you are that worried about it then let her have the kids then eat her get so she doesn't go to waste.
You said its not advanced enough to affect the kids...
I love horns. Only sheep I'd ever have must have horns. The rams are so neat with those awesome horns.
Did you see Moses the other day? Look at his horns now. ha
Hey that's a really neat idea and pretty awesome of you to do.
I saw that belt on your journal and that is so neat!
I don't do collars on my goats and don't want or like them on my goats but I know many do and that is a great idea.
If it's on a lymph node then it more than likely is CL. Sucks but it's the truth.
Ok, nothing you can do for her. The abscess will do it's own thing, just get bigger, lose the hair, and then burst. Can't do much about it but you CAN keep it from going to anyone else. There is no treatment but...
Hey not trying to slam anyone. Just wish people would do the research on more stuff.
Ok for your CL issue. CL is NOT a big deal. It really isn't a big deal. It's easy to care for and does no harm really.
Real quick, no injecting it with anything esp. formalin.
Let me go read all your posts...
I'm not even going to read this thread because I know I'll have to sit here again to the hundredth time and type up all about CL.
I WISH people would do the research before they tell "facts".
CL is ONLY, ONLY, transmitted thru DIRECT oral contact with the puss. Only other way it can be passed...
That's not surprising that your crosses don't stiffen up. The Myotonia is gone after the first cross most of the time. Its rare they still stiffen up after the first cross.
And yet people say anything with Kiko is wild. Ppfftt Kikos are very sweet if you pay attention to them.
Congrats again. You'll love the meat goat world. It's easier and simpler.
Nope, none taken at all.
I have only read the first post so far. I didn't have time earlier. I'm not going to say or take part in any of the rest, I simply wanted to say what I said above. I sure don't know everything about goats and I know there's much more I don't know than I do know. But I...
I'm not going to get involved in this but I did want to say a quick few things.
1) DE is NOT a dewormer at all. ALot of people believe it is but it's not and that drives me crazy.
2) There is no vet that knows it all, not even "Dr. C"
3) Hay is not a dewormer either
There are certain things...