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  1. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    But.... geese are so super cute!!!
  2. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    Nah... buy some sheep... the sheep will eat more grass than the goats... Or... a flock of geese... :lol:
  3. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    On a happier note... I went ahead, with Bride's help, and moved the old ducks in with the infant ducks. We first moved in the sweetest of the older females. A little excitement, but very little. We waited and watched... then put in a second female. Looked good, so we left them and had...
  4. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Sad but true.
  5. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    I can't understand how people think that getting something for nothing is possible. :idunno
  6. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    Best idea yet! If they do not want you to improve the road.... on your own dime.... then let them rot.
  7. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Well... then when the world comes to an end.... No groceries... Chinese take over everything because of the debt... You will have food! :clap
  8. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    If all the people working in the cities,lived in the skyscrapers that are there... and did roof top and windowsill gardens... then the huge reduction in car travel would be a huge environmental gain. Yeah... utopia... moving on....
  9. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Yeah... no logic! They go on about cow farts.... but then talk about introducing water Buffalo into areas.... and some company trying to recreate a wooly mammoth.... and then there is all the chemicals/manufacturing that is needed to make pretend meat... and of course nothing is as good as...
  10. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Yes. Fully. (Actually, yes on everything you said) I was taught it was "three generations from shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves" (you started with nothing, worked hard, made money, your kids lived well, grandkids spent everything and went back to rock bottom... start the cycle over.) and it...
  11. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Also... yep... still lots of rain. Oh! On the livestock front.... The "infant" ducks are now.... packed like sardines in that white tractor.... something about them continuing to grow..... Anyway... with the weather being nasty daily .... letting them out daily was no longer happening...
  12. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    :lol: Ok... ONE window replaced (the broken one)..... they measured the second window WONG. So... uh... yeah.... They get to reorder that.. and I get to wait a bit longer. And then I talked to one of the guys for quite some time! We were both bemoaning the influx of rich "own...
  13. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Guess what... take 2 windows out of the livingroom... and it is COLD. (one busted, one fogged. Getting them replaced.) Last time I think it took the guy 5 minutes... these 2 guys... I am guessing 15.
  14. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    No surprise.... more rain.
  15. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    Nope... charge the.... :duc
  16. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    :yesss: :clap
  17. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Looks like less rain than this year... but yes, colors are changing! It is fun that in this area all brush turns red, and all trees turn yellow
  18. Alaskan

    Coffee anyone ?

    Yeah.... you want 3 to 4 years between ages, if possible...
  19. Alaskan

    Alaskan's Journal

    Bride is here for the week.. She took the older ducks swimming. The one female, Pie almost acts like she is drowning... she dives and then super splashes, messes around... but has trouble figuring out "float calmly". I let the geese out again this morning... 1 gander somehow got left...
  20. Alaskan

    We hava Racka

    I can't wait to see the lambs! With the Racka genetics... are the horns on both sexes?