I’m talking to guy who might lease his 5 acres for my goats to graze. But there is some problems. The property is on the creek and there are a lot of coyotes and 1-2 mountain lion who walk the creek at night. I had a kid killed 2 months ago by one. The problem is that he is in the city and you...
Hi I have 3 commercial boer doe mixes . I also have fullblood boer buck. If I bred my commercial does with my buck could the kids be registrable? Where can I find dna test percentage tests for my does? What are the requirements?
One of the does abscess popped today. I sprayed and applied bluekote and neosporin she is very sensitive to me touching the abscess. Its super hard. All the other does still have a hard abscess. I Wish I had antibiotics.
Any help
I have to put my Boer goats (5-12 depending on the season) in 250sqft house at night. I have been using a 60 gallon stock tank with a float. It takes so much space though. I bought one of these...
I have a goat that has a hard abscess on the side of the neck where I gave a CL vaccine last weekend. There is puss coming out and it is very hard. The goat has a temp of 101.6F. Could this be a side effect of the vaccine? A infection? If it is a infection what can I do? I don't have a...
Yeah pretty much. Just keep piling. Some areas offer free wood chip delivery's from arborists. You might be able to just clean it out every 2 years. Dependent of weather and manure load. A lot easier with a tractor. I have never used this method in a wet climate before.
Let the goats and chickens eat it down and kill it. Then cover it with woodchips and use a large deep litter method. Just place new wood chips onto of the manure.
She is freshly weaned. She had a CDT vaccine 2months ago for the first time but the previous owner forgot the booster. We vaccinated her this weekend and will will have her booster in 3 weeks
Will keep you updated
Alright I will see if I can make that happen. Should I give her any booster? The whole herd including her got their 1st Dose of the CL and CDT vaccine yesterday. If that matters. Should I give her anything for the swelling?
No oozing. No discoloration. I don't know what I would call a gaping wound. It looks like someone got razor and sliced about and inch down at an angle. The skin is still their as a cover. Its 1/4 on a inch of exposed flesh where the skin is not covering it. I'll get photos tonight.
On Friday 3/5 my Doeling ran up some sheet metal of their housing. Getting a cut deep cut on her hind leg. I applied Neosporin and Bluekote then wrapped it with vet wrap. I did my vet wrap to tightly and the next day her hooves were swollen and wouldn't put any weight on it. I removed the vet...
Alright cool. I will find a sterile container. But shouldn't I vaccinate anyway? Is there negative aspect in vaccinating? Why does it matter that I have a false positive?.