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    Dry Yearling Bagging Up, Solid Bag

    If the Doe is from good milking lines sometime that happens u would go to fiasco farms website if you would like more on that
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    PYR PUPS ARE HERE! pics finally

    Awe they are cute
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    Hatchery- Salmonella outbreak

    I just checked with my feed store because I got around 10 chicks and they said it was probly some one new because they get their birds from Dunlap in Idaho
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    Hatchery- Salmonella outbreak

    Wow thanks for posting it I had not heard about that luckily my feed stores only get chicks from whelp and I got chicks thru the mail last summer thru MPC.
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    Sheep ate cherry leaves

    I am not a sheep person but am crossing my fingered for you :fl
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    Feral cats!

    They are pretty cats. Its nice that they were Abel to find a resin to take care of them
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    Remove wattles?

    In my area goats are worth more with wattles than without
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    increasing milk production in Nigerian Dwarf doe.

    If you can or are not already I would start milking twice a day. How much Mullen are you currently getting?
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    Chickens + Goats?

    My chickens and my 2 goats love each other they share food it is wonderful
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    lol someone thought I needed another chicken looks like.

    She looks healthey I have heard of things like this happening on our sister site back yard chickens
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    Uses for whey after cheesemaking?

    I hav used in pancakes and bread before you can also drink it I have small added it to water you can also make ricotta chese with it
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    Happy Birthday to me!

    That is too cute. And happy birthday
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    Hello from North Texas!

    :welcome from spokane Washington
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    Hello From Southern Illinois

    :welcome from Spokane Washington
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    whole soy beans and corn

    In the feed I get there are whole soybeans in it and I just feed the mix with grass or hay as long as bucks or wetheres don't get it I would say its okay to feed
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    An unlikely friendship

    Everyday as I milk I tie up spices kid as I milk I can see her my smallest chicken comes over and they share the carrot tha I have been giving the kid I will take and post a picture next time it happens
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    Bugs on chickens?

    I always use DE once I had relly bad case of lice on a hen I rescued as in live everywhere use DE then the problem was solved