yup, he will be for sale. It is late in the year for wethers, so I will keep him intact and try to sell him as a commercial buck. His granddam is not registered. But as far as I can tell they seem to be 100% or really close to it. they being his granddam, plus I know have 4 daughters in the herd from her. This buckling will carry 6 ennoblements in the top of his bloodlines. He is a grandson to ennobled Status Quo and ennobled Miss Tori. I just wish there would have been a 2nd one and a doe. I am pretty sure she is done, It has been an hour. She is still fat, but I guess fat and done. She is a good mom and thrilled with the baby.
Have not posted anythign in a while, been crazy busy. Here are a few pictures I took the past couple of weeks.
These cute guys are Tori Ann's buckling and Just Wow's buckling born 3rd week of March. The darker one is Just Wow's bucklign pictured recently just born.
Just Wow's Buckling and Just Wow
Some of the 3 month old does with the 1 week old bucklings.
Sunshine Frost is one of my favorites. I would imagine the caption to this would be? "What do two blondes think about.....?"
Sunshine frost taking advantage of a walnut tree we lost last year in a summer storm.
Glory with her new kids, She had a buck and a doe. her little doe can't figure out how to get around the gate.