My posed photos of the oldest 21 babies here at Milo & Me! Hopefully I will have several new herd members in this years bunch
doe *hold* buck doe *hold* buck
buck buck *hold* doe buck
doe doe *hold*
Thank you so much @JakeM . She has some grand babies, 7 to be exact, in this years bunch of babies so I am hopeful I will have one to keep back when she goes to her new home. I have her son, daughter and a grand daughter along with a half sister, 2 nieces and 2 great grand nieces as of now. I have another litter due Saturday from my doe Honey and am excited and nervous at the same time. Her mothering skills have not been tested yet. My REW's two babies are both doing well and eyes have opened and they are fully mobile now. Will already be 2 weeks old on Sunday, wow. They have grown up so darn fast!
Thanks! hoping for either white or fawn, possibly cream I am not sure yet. I can't wait to see what they turn out to be! I was so hoping for fawns. That is the one color I really want but haven't been able to get to survive for me.
Now all I have to do is get Kat to take and all of my does will have had babies. There is still time for Kat due to some of her relatives not taking until they are close to 18 months old where as she just turned a year in March. French can be so frustrating with their development sometimes lol! Anywhere between 9 and 18 months is possible for a breeding maturity age... She will be ready when she is ready and I will be ready for when that time is. Just waiting.