Baymule’s Journal


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
So you might want to look into case you get sides & roof, need to tarp sides on barn.

I ordered a billboard tarp. Never before, so will let you know status/thoughts when it arrives 😁. I have a couple large carports in some pastures. Strong & I'd get another except they're quadruple price I pd many years ago....but in past I've tarped sides in winter, on occasion. Even best ones were trash worthy come spring. They offer various sizes and that changes by what comes down from billboard.

These are used but, heavy, waterproof, UV protective, etc. they had a 6X78. Odd size for many but perfect for me as it will go from ground to under lower edge great -- plus wrap pretty much all 4 sides! $128. Uh, advertisement I'll put facing inside 🤣
I got 2 small ones several years ago & covered 1 & 1/2 cattle panels to make a 'covered porch' in front of my chicken house. It's still up, still keeping the rain & snow from blowing in the wire door. If it's worn a few holes/leaks from laying over the arched panels I haven't noticed.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Bennett and his cousin Lee are hog hunting this morning. Bennett caught 4 hogs in a trap a week or so back, but no hogs have been in it since. I missed out, he had 3 young ones, along with the old boar. He didn’t know I can process hods, but he sure knows it now. They went to buzzard bait. Darn it!

I slept until 7, so missed them getting started. Bennett and Peggy have 40 acres on the north side of me that only has about 70’ of road frontage. Then there’s 150 acres behind that that goes behind me and up one side, the Thomas place. Behind the Thomas place is the Terry place, it’s about a hundred acres and yet behind that is another place of 50 acres, all 3 are landlocked and must go through Bennett’s 40 acres to get access. These places are on third and fourth generations and easement was granted by Bennett’s grandfather on a handshake. My physical address is this private road that really doesn’t exist anymore, nobody lives back there and my driveway now opens out on the county road. Only in Trinity county…,

So that are back there hog hunting with dogs. There’s other places that join fence lines, Bennett called around to get permission for the dogs and themselves to follow the hogs. Plus there’s several thousand acres of timber land. Hunting leases, too. Everyone is glad to get hogs hunted and hopefully shot. At the very least, aggravate them enough to make them move out-at least for awhile.

It looks like they went past my fenceline to let the dogs out. My Anatolians would have been at the fence raising all kinds of ruckus and the fence fight would have been on.

There is a low hanging fog this morning but it’s clearing out. I need a good hot sun to cure the stain I put on the porch!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Bennett came up with a 200 pound boat this morning, just at daylight . Chase had said he wanted one, so I told Bennett to bring it on. Forgot Chase is off today, he went and got ice and joined the party. The three of us did the non gut, just skin out the back and front legs, peel hide off far enough to get the back straps.
And it started to rain. Pouring down buckets of rain. Chase’s cooler had a big crack, we used mine. We got the boar packed on ice and Chase will salt and soak him 3 days.

It was a spotted hog, so has some domestic hog in him. Ought to be good eating.

came in, peeled off wet clothes and took a shower. I was going to get 4 loads of dirt this morning. So much for that. Haven’t done outside chores either. It can wait for the rain to move on. Guess I’ll go to town at some point today and get longer Brad nails for the quarter round in the living room. I’d be doing that now, but the ones I have are too short.

ETA: I didn’t take pictures, my hands were kinda messy.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Bennett came up with a 200 pound boat this morning, just at daylight . Chase had said he wanted one, so I told Bennett to
So the spelling corrector made this interesting, first read 🤣

Nothing like a bloody mess at daybreak! But rains stopped playing in dirt plans :idunno so what else to do 😁. Hope it wasn't so much that you'll need a week to dry up for reschedule.

I watched a goat butcher on u-tube yesterday. Yep, just the way we did it last time. Nice refresher :old :sick


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I think I’ll leave it as boat. See if anyone else is paying attention. Hahaha! BOAR!

Went to town, got brads for Brad nailer and an air compressor. Ran a few errands. Went to Walmart, got groceries. Came home, unloaded, ate a bowl of cereal and klonked out. Now almost 2:30, hot and steamy outside. No ambition.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Rain predicted here through next weekend. I’ll have my 2 little granddaughters for the week. Family is coming in Sunday. House is a wreck, got to straighten it up.

Bennett has 3 pigs in the trap this morning. I’ll take these. Will probably have to skin, gut and quarter these myself. Chase is at work, Bennett and Peggy have to take his little brother to the airport.