Blessedfarmgirl's Journal

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Have papers IN HAND!!! Paying for registered stock means they WANT them to be only met for a few minutes and don't know dependability of one another. It's NOT unheard of to buy and not ever get the paperwork you paid for from seller. Trust me, registration is a whole different game.

The registry won't disclose to her, your status...the phone number info has no merit for her. Unless I know the breeder personally, papers have to be handed over when $$ transfers. It's like buying a car and waiting for the title!! Not good. Sorry, buyer has a right to be upset.

She thinks you're the problem because, in essence, you are. Ask registry if you can pay an expedite fee & get them.....have them confirm by text they have application, funds, and approx date to receive. Show to buyer. It's frustrating for both of you. 🫤


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
Well, for the first time I understand the phrase "fire the customer". At least, I'd dearly like to fire one of mine. She bought two registered doelings from me in November, and since my breeder had yet to get me the service memos, I told her I'd register them myself instead of giving her the papers so she could do it, and I would mail them to her when they arrived. It took another month for me just to get the memos, (my breeder was recovering from cancer treatments and travel) and I sent the papers in December 5th. The customer contacted me in December asking about the papers. I told her I was waiting on the registry, and I'd keep her updated. She contacted me in January, asking "are you getting the papers or what?". I was annoyed because I clearly told her I was waiting on the registry, but I politely repeated myself. Today, she contacted me asking for a REFUND. I told her that the goats were non-refundable, and repeated myself again, politely, that the registry was backed up, especially this time of year. She told me that she never said she wanted to return the goats, (when she just asked for a refund) and she then said she "just wants those papers I promised". I gave her AGS's number and email and told her that she could contact them, but that they are backed up 3 months on papers, like I had tried to tell her 3 times already.

This whole thing was very frustrating, and I really can't understand why she's so impatient. She has no reason to believe I am trying to cheat her out of her papers. We only met once and for 20 minutes, why does she think I'm the problem? At least maybe she'll just bother the registry now. I wonder how I can prevent this from happening in the future?

Being rude (on her side, I mean) is never the proper response, but I can also understand the anxiety over a delay in getting promised registration papers. I bought a new ram a few years ago. He wasn’t registered at the time, but the breeder assured me that they’d be sent out that week. Over 2 years later (and multiple messages to the breeder), I still hadn’t received the papers. He HAD been registered, the registry has an online database, but she never sent the papers. I eventually had to get the breed association secretary involved and had to pay a little extra to get him transferred to me. I never did hear from his breeder.

Did you transfer the goats’ registrations to the new owner at the same time as registering them? If so, you may be able to tell her to ask them to expedite the process. She’d probably have to pay a rush fee.


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
East Texas
I see what you mean. I guess I'm just mainly upset because I was crystal clear multiple times about why she was still waiting, but she didn't seem to listen. I just didn't have the service memos or I would have given her all the paperwork.
Sorry for the rant🫠


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
East Texas
Being rude (on her side, I mean) is never the proper response, but I can also understand the anxiety over a delay in getting promised registration papers. I bought a new ram a few years ago. He wasn’t registered at the time, but the breeder assured me that they’d be sent out that week. Over 2 years later (and multiple messages to the breeder), I still hadn’t received the papers. He HAD been registered, the registry has an online database, but she never sent the papers. I eventually had to get the breed association secretary involved and had to pay a little extra to get him transferred to me. I never did hear from his breeder.

Did you transfer the goats’ registrations to the new owner at the same time as registering them? If so, you may be able to tell her to ask them to expedite the process. She’d probably have to pay a rush fee.
I did do the transfer when I filled out the paperwork. I gave her the number, so if she calls they may tell her her options.


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
East Texas
Have papers IN HAND!!! Paying for registered stock means they WANT them to be only met for a few minutes and don't know dependability of one another. It's NOT unheard of to buy and not ever get the paperwork you paid for from seller. Trust me, registration is a whole different game.

The registry won't disclose to her, your status...the phone number info has no merit for her. Unless I know the breeder personally, papers have to be handed over when $$ transfers. It's like buying a car and waiting for the title!! Not good. Sorry, buyer has a right to be upset.

She thinks you're the problem because, in essence, you are. Ask registry if you can pay an expedite fee & get them.....have them confirm by text they have application, funds, and approx date to receive. Show to buyer. It's frustrating for both of you. 🫤
Ok, I guess if you put it that way, you're right. I never thought about it like that, dealing with registration is so new to me as well.
The thing is, if I hadn't done what I did, those babies would still be on my farm and I wouldn't have hay money for the winter. I would have had to sell them unregistered and get less for them.

Thanks for letting me know I actually am partly to blame. Now I know what to avoid doing in the future. The good thing is, I now have my own buck so I don't have to wait for memos this year.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
It’s ok to rant. This is the place where you can blow out your frustration and it’s ok.

I bought 3 registered ewes. The papers never showed up. I hit her on FB, texts and calls. No response. Once a month, I sent Remember ME? Nothing.

A year and a half later, a woman bought a nice ram from this same witch, but she told it on a Katahdin FB group. A friend @Margali alerted me to that post. I commiserated miseries with the paperless woman and told what the witch did to me. Then I went on a rant. I called her out by name, called her a liar and a thief, plus many other descriptive words but to my credit, no cuss words. LOL
That post got the Katahdin registry involved. A few weeks later I got a text from the witch, wanting ear tag numbers, date of purchase and my address. A few weeks after that I received registration papers.

I KNOW you are doing your best and you are as flustered as your customer. I told you of my experience to give you a better understanding of her anxiety. I have since purchased registered ewes and gotten copies of the dam and sire, plus a bill of sale. That way if something happened to the couple, I would have proof of purchase and proof of registered parents. I think that’s a good way to do business. That particular couple doesn’t register lambs until they sell, then they don’t have to pay registration fees twice. They send in the paperwork to get the lamb registered and new owner is……..

Keep your composure, be polite, you are in a situation that time will take care of. Hang in there, this is called a learning experience.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
In cattle, if you sell a bull or registered.... the animal has to have the papers with it at the time of the sale... MOSTLY it is up to the buyer to get the animal transferred to them... the papers are usually already "signed over"... but some sellers will pay for the transfer... in that case a COPY of the registration papers accompanies the animal, with the paid bill of sale....... That protects the buyer as proof they bought a registered animal...
You said yourself that you didn't know her and only met for 20 minutes... I do not doubt for one minute that you are honest and sent in the paperwork... but as the example of what @Baymule went through, she also only met you one time and so cannot be sure that you did what you said... some people just don't... so she has a right to be unhappy because she is thinking you are not fulfilling your part of the bargain... again, just because she doesn't know you...
As Bay said... this is a learning experience for you... and at least you are not just sitting by and saying too bad, just wait...

As for the memos you were waiting for... I am assuming you took them to someone else to breed the does? One thing that cattle breeders do, is that when breeding AI, a certificate of some sort is issued to the owner of the female as to the date and the registration # of the bull used... if produced by one of many AI bull studs, that is standard practice... BUT.... It is done at the time of breeding... If a cow is taken somewhere to be bred for some reason, the owner of the bull will issue some sort of proof that the cow was "exposed to xyz bull from 1/01 to 1/25" or whatever... and you need to get "proof of breeding" when you bring the does home... not wait for them to be confirmed pregnant, then to kid and then decide to sell for registered.
You said you have your own buck now so that will not be the same problem... but in the future, these are little things you will know to do differently PROTECT yourself.

I hope the registry will get their act together and get the papers done... and since you sent them in with a transfer to her, at least she cannot say you did not do what you said. Next time, you know to register them BEFORE you advertise them for sale... if you are going to sell as registered... they need to actually already be registered. I know registering costs money... but if this is the route you want to go, then you need to realize there is an added cost to doing it right and that will protect your reputation down the road.

:fl :fl for things to get straightened out for you soon... and now you know a little better of how things work...


True BYH Addict
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
East Texas
Thanks everyone for your advice and wisdom on the registration issues! I really appreciate it.

I have another problem I'm mulling through today. One of my ewes has had a bony lump on her jaw for awhile, when I first noticed it about a month ago, it was small and I thought she just had a weird jaw. But it got bigger and bigger. I looked it up, and the only thing I could find that sounded like a match was lumpy jaw. I'm really upset because there is no cure. She'll have to be slaughtered. I may need to pull her week old lamb today or tomorrow to start the laborious process of training a dam-raised animal to the bottle. I'm thankful I at least have her daughter, because she's one of my better ewes. We nursed her and cured her of foot rot, so she's very friendly from all the handling and very sweet. I'm still talking to my family about it and I don't know exactly how we'll slaughter her, but we are planning on home-butchering some wethers soon, so it may be then. In the meantime, she will probably be quarantined because I think lumpy jaw is spread through saliva.

I have good news though. The other ewe with the lump in her jaw is reabsorbing it and it's going away on its own. My sister and I examined it and noticed a healed cut, so it was probably just bacteria that got in a cut and caused a small abscess.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Lumpy jaw is from a bacteria. While an IV treatment is best, oxytet can be used. Do you have any of that & can you give an injection? It requires several days of treatment but could save the doe. There is treatment if caught in time.

Have a picture?