Boone-My Anatolian Unicorn


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
My Anatolians would never put up with a snarling or barking dog in their space. They would attack and eliminate the danger. I’ve warned my neighbors with small dogs to NOT let them get near my fence. One portion is field fence with holes big enough to let a small dog through.

They will attack Carson, given the chance. It is not a killing attack, but a dominance attack. Nevertheless it is scary and hard to break it up. They kill everything that is not a sheep, if it gets in their fields.

This said, they are not vicious, they are fierce. I can put a leash on them and go to the vet and they are fine. Take them away from work and they are different dogs. They are not mean, they just have work to do and they do it well.

Boone is exhibiting extremely good behavior. You have socialized him at every opportunity and there’s not a lot of opportunities where you live. You are wise to be aware, but don’t overthink it and transmit your worries to Boone. In these new situations he is at work and it’s all brand new to him. You are his rock, his steady support, his backup. You can be none of those if you are a quivering worried mess. Be the strong, calm, steady rock that Boone needs.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
You are his herd. His reactive mode seems to me to be one of protection for you. These new sights & sounds took him to a level he still possesses -- and he felt the need to express. Sudden appearance of a threat. He's a bodyguard! 🥰

I'm thrilled you are getting to visit friends & family!! It will lift your spirits, mental & physical health. Boone will tolerate and be fine back home. Although a few zoomies and Fen wrestles would sure be welcome now 🤣, he'll be fine. Good training experience.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
My Anatolians would never put up with a snarling or barking dog in their space. They would attack and eliminate the danger. I’ve warned my neighbors with small dogs to NOT let them get near my fence. One portion is field fence with holes big enough to let a small dog through.

They will attack Carson, given the chance. It is not a killing attack, but a dominance attack. Nevertheless it is scary and hard to break it up. They kill everything that is not a sheep, if it gets in their fields.

This said, they are not vicious, they are fierce. I can put a leash on them and go to the vet and they are fine. Take them away from work and they are different dogs. They are not mean, they just have work to do and they do it well.

Boone is exhibiting extremely good behavior. You have socialized him at every opportunity and there’s not a lot of opportunities where you live. You are wise to be aware, but don’t overthink it and transmit your worries to Boone. In these new situations he is at work and it’s all brand new to him. You are his rock, his steady support, his backup. You can be none of those if you are a quivering worried mess. Be the strong, calm, steady rock that Boone needs.
This is exactly what I mean. Having the benefit of your perspective helps immensely and gives me a much higher chance of success with Boone than if I was going it alone. You guys help me collectively see things from a different angle so I can make critical adjustments or at least go forward with greater confidence. It’s what makes this group so invaluable