You have done alot in the past couple months.... the clean out/organization of the barn, work on the barn lot... the assertion with the boss and co-worker situation, the gravel at the barn, from considering sending the cows to "oshkosh" to getting the fence situation straightened out and realizing that yes... you can fix it/solve it... the beautiful plants and the complete makeover of the driveway flower beds.... working on getting the old truck situation resolved.... to having the fortitude to say you are ready for a new dog in your life... and MAKING it happen....
I am very impressed and humbled by your energy and "stick-to-it-tiveness"... I hope she fits in with few hitches and gives you the companionship you want.
If it is a problem.... flip the panels upside down so nothing can dig under them until you get the gate put on there... they won't rust out in a few months... I know several people that turn them upside down to keep baby calves from going under or sheep or anything like that. Even a cow can't get her head under to try to get out if it sits flat on the ground...
......And the honeymoon is over
I put her in the crate while I ran to the dumpster (20mins) & came back to a busted crate & a chewed country ham!
Had a brief panic - "What an I going to do TOMORROW??!!"
Now, sitting silently in the living room after locking her in the bedroom.... hoping she just freaked in the small crate????
I can use fence wire to put the crate back together....
But if it's so much harder to tear up, she might hurt herself fighting it