Borrowed my sister's vacu-sealer thing today. At least the food will still be fresh if he makes it long enough to eat it all.
I've finally decided to stop hovering. This is stressing everyone out. When he's seperated so I can monitor how much he eats, drinks, pees & poops the others seem to think he's trapped & needs rescuing. After several nights of the others clawing at the bedroom door & calling to him, we're all exhausted. I'll give him his meds & try to get him to eat his Rx food every day. Unless he's showing symptoms of a complete blockage or is in pain I'm going to stop worrying about how much he's passing.... there isn't anything I can do to make him go more anyway.
Took Dad out for lunch today. He wanted to go to Arby's. I talked him into going to an old one near the mall. I don't know how they are where you are but here, there was a thing back in the 90's where they started building them BIG and all fancy inside (giant fireplaces, 2story beamed ceilings, live trees growing in giant grates in the middle of the dining rooms and putting all these other restaurants in them.... a rotisserie chicken place, a Mexican place, an ice cream place..... pretty upscale for around here! Anyway, somehow this one has survived (even though I don't think the other restaurants are still serving). It was so cute. He was awestruck. You'd think we were lunching at the governor's mansion. He was still going on about what a nice place that was all the way home.
Really have to try to get him out more often...
Good on all fronts! For the cats - and I don't have cats so there's that -- I know they are mostly "free fed" access to food all the time. But is it possible to have set feeding times? Like we do with dogs? That way you can feed him separately. Just thinking outside the box. Excellent job on the food! Glad you've figured out to stop stressing - that's is good for ALL of you.
OH man Arby's - I haven't been there in a long time. LOL - now you've got me drooling for one with a lot of Arby's sauce. I think last time I was there I had one of their "fancy" sandwiches and it was darned good -- and I of course got it through the drive thru.
I've been letting the cows graze for an hour or so each evening in the 'garden' section of the yard. Since there's no gate, just an arch between flower beds, seperating that area and the 'yard' I usually either do some small chore in the area or just sit at the table and watch them. This seems to aggravate Birdie. She's been outside all day and wants to go in... and there I am.. just SITTING in the yard doing nothing but watching the cows.
Every once in a while Eva will graze her way through the arch, I'll clap my hands and she'll turn around and go back. Yesterday she gave me the stink-eye and walked on into the yard. So I got up and walked over to block her and send her back with a couple of claps. Well that was all the encouragement that Birdie needed. She went gallumping over there with the sincere intention of sending Eva back herself. It did not go well. Eva was obviously warning with no real intention of harming... but Birdie was oblivious of how much danger she could've been in. I yelled "LEAVE IT!" and she took her little herding-dog wanna-be self back over to the yard side. I went ahead and shoo-ed the girls back into the pasture.
This has the potential to get interesting.....
I am very lucky that there aren't any close neighbors....
I let the girls into the yard yesterday to graze while I went into the paddock to clean out & clean up around their bathtub-trough. I had no sooner gotten started then I looked up and saw Eva chomping the top off of an ornamental tree that has been STRUGGLING for years to get more than 3' tall BECAUSE of her chomping! I went storming back into the yard yelling and tossed my tub scrubbing broom at them.
When I locked the gate behind them Eva stood in the paddock BELLOWING pitifuly while I explained why she wasn't getting back in the yard.
No. I asked you to leave ONE bush alone in the whole yard. One! And what did you do?
What did you do!?!? You made a bee-line for that very bush. LOOK AT IT!
No! You do this every year. You've got this whole area of tall grass and as soon as you munch the tastiest bits you start tearing down the shrubs.
No. I don't care. Go eat that nasty stickery hay. You're not getting back in here.
I said I don't care. It's your own fault. You know what? You can just stand there pouting and watch me MOW this delicious, thick, green grass for all I care. I keep giving you chances and you keep being a big fat heifer about it.