Canesisters 2023 journal - turning my Disasters into Delights


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Birdie is doing well with being in the kennel. There are more quiet times than screaming ones lately. I've been trying to think of somewhere close that we can walk. Going up and down the driveway isn't much fun for either of us, and my road has logging trucks and no shoulders. There is a walking trail at my church and another one at the local elementary school - both about 30mins away. It FINALLY dawned on me last night... my side of the road is paved and busy... but .5miles away it crosses a highway.. and the rest of the road is gravel and virtually untraveled because of a weight limited one-lane bridge at it's other end! DUH... So as soon as this lovely rain breaks, I'm hoping we can start exploring that long gravel road. That will be good for BOTH of us.
As a little 'marker' of her settling in - she had not yet had much interest in chews.. not like other dogs I've had. But a few days ago she has made a fuss over her bed & I realized that it was on top of a bully stick that she wanted, and this weekend she took a chew stick and carried it to the other end of the house to chew for a while. Just one more sign that she's settling in and feeling at home.

Chaos is doing really well. The vet said he's practically a miracle. To have completely blocked 2x in as many days and then to stay clear is rare. Today is his first day not being confined in any way. He's in the bed/bath with me in the AM and eats some of his Rx food & gets his pill. In the evening he'll be in there for a while & will hopefully eat a bit more. There is 'urinary tract health' store brand food out for everyone now & the vet says that won't hurt him.. won't 'treat' his condition, but as long as he's eating a good bit of the $$ stuff it should be fine.
I had to swing by after hours Friday to pick up a refill and this is what I found in the drop box:
chaos characture .jpg


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Such good news on all fronts - Birdie, Chaos, and cows respecting hot wires. Birdie trying to drive cow away from you is heartwarming. If it had been a bull! Boxers have that flat face for grabbing the bull' muzzle and swinging it around. Bull baiting was a nasty sport, but boxers were once used as good farm dogs, herding, etc. Unfortunately, like a lot of work specific breeds much of that has been bred out of them. Her protection instincts toward you were sure raised by Eva's bad behavior. Shows how important to her you are.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Such good news on all fronts - Birdie, Chaos, and cows respecting hot wires. Birdie trying to drive cow away from you is heartwarming. If it had been a bull! Boxers have that flat face for grabbing the bull' muzzle and swinging it around. Bull baiting was a nasty sport, but boxers were once used as good farm dogs, herding, etc. Unfortunately, like a lot of work specific breeds much of that has been bred out of them. Her protection instincts toward you were sure raised by Eva's bad behavior. Shows how important to her you are.
The COOLEST thing just happened!!!

So, I let the cows back in the yard.... we All knew that was going to happen.... And gave Miss Birdie a much needed bath while they grazed a bit.
After the bath I was just letting her drip-dry in the other part of the yard when Blossom decided to wander under the arch out of where she was supposed to be. As it turned out, I was behind her & only made her trot WAY across the yard when I got close. Not expecting ANYTHING to actually happen, I said Birdie, Get her!!!
... ya know... like when I can't reach the remote and say Birdie, hand me the remote......
WELL!!!! Birdie took after that cow with murder in her eye! Blossom made a quick U-turn, aimed a kick - that Birdie ducked, bellowed MAMA!, and bolted back towards where she belonged with Birdie LITTERALLY on her heels. I'm thinking This is not going to end well & hollered Birdie! Leave It!
And she did!!!! Immediately!! She dropped to a trot & came over to me - where she of course got LOTS of WHO'S THE BESTEST GIRL? YOU ARE!! YES YOU ARE!!!!

Not the FOGGIEST idea how to proceed now so that I don't end up with a livestock CHASING dog.... but that was REALLY a very cool thing to have just happened out of no where.