Brief Birdie update.
The huge 'girdle' bandage that she came home in had finally slid back & gotten so baggy that half of her incision was visable. So my friend Carmen helped me remove it. The stitches were a little bit icky from being covered since day 1, but otherwise it had healed well. We cleaned it & applied some generic antibacterial ointment. Then made this lovely recovery suit out of an old tank top to keep the ointment contained & keep anything from rubbing the stitches.
Last (I HOPE!) check up this Wed & hopefully the stitches come out. I'm applying ointment 2x daily & occasionally dabbing on the essential oil mixture I made when Chaos had such a terribly swollen & irritated area.
She's still rubbing at her eyes, so still wears the cone. I expect a new drop or ointment will come home Wed for that.
Applied to a local vet office for administrative assistant & got a phone interview! She said that her only concern was that I was asking for the very high end of what they advertised. I pointed out that have experience - not only in the admin/front desk areas - but also in the kennels (cleaning/treating/meds) surgery & prep, large animals/farm calls, grooming, exam rooms/animal restraint AND that it's just me at home so their occasional long hours/weekends won't be a conflict.
Both the vet & the county 911 said that they should be in contact the first part of this week.
Great interview with vet! I think that with your qualifications and livestock/animal experience that paying the high end of the offered salary would be in line. They might offer a try out period.
I know you want a lot - but don't rush yourself - better to have people wanting and looking forward to seeing more at the next show/swap/?? --- BUT BE SURE to:
put up a sign that says where you'll be next (if you know) and
that you can be contacted for more later,
you have more work on the way and
you'll do consignments.
You're going to rock this!!!
Love it! You will do well at the show. Not only put up the sign but make some business cards and have a couple print outs of prices for people to take.
Swap update
The pressure is off. It's going to rain all day Sat.... so, it's probably going to be rescheduled.
Which gives me at least another week. Which is GOOD because I found out yesterday that a FB friend picks up boxes of mat scraps from a frame shop for free. And most are a little bigger than 5x7 - SO, if I can go get a box today, I'll be able to display them pinned to a mat board whenever the next swap is.
Birdie update
Stitches out and all looks great! Doc said that he really didn't expect it to heal as nicely as it did. Oddly, her skin darkened on one side, right down the median.
She was such a good girl getting the stitches out that the tech kept asking if I'd given her something. LOL... the difference between having Mom restrain her & a stranger. Anywho, adhesive all over & just general boxer stink! Today is bath day!!
Job hunt update
*The vet hadn't made a decision yet.
*911 chose 2 others - BUT - I was #3. So they're going to do the background check & all anyway and 'if for any reason the applicants aren't able to do it' (pass the background ck, don't like it, have issues with the hours, etc) then they'll be ready call me up.
*Got a call yesterday, also from the county, to set an interview for the animal control position. 3/14 10am. Not 100% sure how I feel about this one - but I'll take it if they offer!
*New opening at the prison near the landfill for admin in intake. According to Indeed I was the first to apply.