Herd Master
Oh man - there's nothing better than riding. Even a walk in the round pen - just being up and the movement - SOO GOOD. Riding was the only way I survived "corporate" when I got out of school -left all the crud on the ground once I mounted up.Thank you Baymule! It’s a little more complicated than I thought it would be with the little face pieces and I haven’t done glass for years. I only made a half dozen pieces before that!
Fen gave me a 1/2 hr grace this morning and let me sleep in til 5:30. I slept in a bed all night too, which is unusual. Usually the pain dictates that I move to a recliner so it was a surprise to have him wake me in bed.
TODAY IS THE DAY!! Mister and I are going to ride, even if it’s just walking in the round pen. It all depends on how bad my strength and balance are. Hopefully it will all improve quickly, as I would like to ride out on the ranch again and maybe even help move cows again part time. Prayers welcome!
Starting with 1/8 tsp of borax in my coffee and it SEEMS to be helping. A few more weeks and I will have a better idea if it does or not.