Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Finishing my first cup and some cookies (had to do something when it rained 😉),
Checked the sheep cams and they are all snug in their stalls.
We survived Hilary. 2 1/2 inches
It was a rain storm with wind. Not the apocalypse the media was predicting for our area. Things got wet and the wind blew. The only thing not normal is rain in August. It never ever rains in August.
So the nitty gritty here at the ranch:
Things got wet
The protea look windswept (they’ll straighten up when the sun comes out)
Veggie gardens look happy.
From the house the arenas look in great shape, better than lots of the rains we got in the beginning of the year. Yay that ground is wet and I can harrow it.
From what I can see the ranch road looks good too - again it’s wet so yay I can tractor with the box blade.
I pulled up a lot of broom “weeds” on the house walk around - easy peasy 👍🏼 and they have a loooooong tap root.
The corral looked soupy yesterday in the rain though on the corral cam it appears much better - I’ll see when I get over there. I ~might keep the sheep in today if it’s super soup (let things dry out some) with tomorrow being a clean the stalls day it I’m
inclined to keep them in. Heck - they’re spoiled given their choice they’d wander outside, say baaaa-icky and go back inside 😂
I know in other areas things are probably a lot worse esp if people spent their time in line at Costco and Walmart instead of preparing their home areas.
Forecast today cloudy 61-74 good outside workin’ day 😊😊

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Home for lunch, checking if I missed anything. 🤣
Finished at one store, to another shortly. See how I planned that? I'm right between them🤣

Awake & tossing most of night. So up about 4:30. Chores & shower before 7... Then wait, stores open at 8. Early in, almost no customers, work went fast. Need to get back out there...had a nice mid day rest.👍

Mother Hen

True BYH Addict
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Crewe, VA

Everything is next to the coffee pot already so let's enjoy our 1st (or in my case 2nd cup already) on the patio where we won't wake FH who is still sleeping in the crisp 67 air only suppose to get to 85 by 3pm today so once it gets light going to do some things outside first then come in and finish getting my house back together from Sat. I did start on it yesterday but I was just so exhausted that I barely did anything.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Today I again woke about 4...said nope, not today! Turned over and back to sleep until 6am alarm 👍 nice.

Looks to be a slack day for me. Some work was switched around by corporate, so still busy but today is gonna be shorter. I hate when they do that🤨

Coffee is lovely. Chores will happen soon enough. It's gonna be a little cooler today -- goats will like that, chickens, too! Chickens don't like the heat. Slacking on eggs, soon they'll molt, days shorten -- that time of year. Eggs slow down. My young girls will begin laying then. 😊 I'm good for winter. Milk from goats is slacking some with the heat, too -- not that I need 10 gal a week! 🤷🤣 Just sayin'

The corn field next door is trying to dry. It's time for it. Better crop than last year -- we had more rain at optimum times. Ears are large and full. I see most of them dropping down to finish dry out. The cotton field on other side of me is blooming. Hay being baled three doors up 😁 we've had a good year in the area!

Time to get going. Enjoy your day!


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
@Mini Horses it sounds like a lovely morning. Enjoy that coffee and a slightly slower day

For some reason @Mini Horses post made me start wondering...
I have 2 sections of yard (front yard & side yard) that are totally unused. I don't even mow them - the neighbor that occasionally mows my power line and maybe the pastures will sometimes swing through and mow the weeds down.
The deer are there A LOT. Right up against the front of the house sometimes. I've joked that I don't need a rifle, I could lean out the window and knock them in the head.
Anyway, what I'm wondering is - The cows LOVE corn stalks in the fall. Now that I've got my little tiller, I wonder if it might be worth it NEXT year to try and grow a small plot of corn - more as a treat for the cows and chickens than any serious attempt to get a harvest.
This spot of land touches part of the pasture so it wouldn't be hard to throw up a line of electric fence .. although that probably won't deter the deer. Do they eat the stalks??? Or just the ears???

Just a thought.... probably aught to get that 2nd cup of coffee heading down to see why the 1st cup hasn't jumpstarted my good sense yet.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
My goats devour the leaves in early stages. Oddly, they aren't wanting the ears -- until dried! The deer are loving the 🌽 😁. They take some but the cob is mostly still hanging, maybe only eat off one side. Wasteful sharing.

Now corn does need a lot of fertilizer. You have plenty of cow poop! And, you need to box it up to get good, think 6 shorter rows, side by side, vice 2 long ones. Yeah, it can be grown. If vacant, why not? I'm already thinking along same lines for next year, in pastures I want to disc and replant anyway. Corn I get will just be bonus feed. The 10 acres next door give me some stalk if I want to collect it, farmer says ok. But rarely much corn...their combine is good. Little left. Even sow some winter wheat or barley for winter graze.

With my land and herd size now, yeah -- growing some feed is becoming important to me. Feed prices are high, I want to work at producing here. Ya know, years back there weren't these feed stores! Turnips -- good nutrition for them, easy to grow & harvest by hand. They eat tops and LOVE the turnips, chickens eat them, too. They can stay in ground into winter. Pumpkins! It's work but can help. I now have more home time to do.
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