Herd Master
Coffee is ready. I’ll be out at daylight and get chores done. Then I’ll go pick up baby meat chicks.
Tempted to buy me some baby ducks this morning reading this, picked up 10 eggs this morning between 15 hen ducks. More money is going out than coming in with this rate of feed per egg mathematics. Math says cull the 8 drakes and 13 guinea fowl and shove in about 30 more hen ducks in their place which would put me at 50 birds assuming they all survive in my 16' x 16' structure. Sure I can cull the unneeded by the time 8 weeks roll around. Get average 2 dozen eggs a day and I will be happy.Coffee is ready. I’ll be out at daylight and get chores done. Then I’ll go pick up baby meat chicks.
More money is going out than coming in with this rate of feed per egg mathematics.
I’m restarting my chickens and so not breaking even yet. I enjoy them though. And Broody’s back.Sadly true! We all hate the feed prices. Used to sell a lot of eggs before COVID -- then everyone alive got backyard chickens, began making bread, raised a little garden, canned food. Yeah, many are over it now but don't want to pay what eggs cost.
My flock free range, which helps. This yr I will raise some winter feed stuff for them. Might not be 100% of it but even 50% would be nice. I've even considered cricket & worm farms for them. Also, chicken dinner with half the flock! I rarely even eat eggs
but love the chickens and esp a hen & chicks.