Coffee anyone ?


Loving the herd life
Aug 23, 2024
Reaction score
Central Texas
Howdy and welcome.

How many goats do you have, and what kind?
Oh My Lanta! I think I remember you from BYC Years ago. I spent alot of time on the computer then.
I have 7 Nigerian dwarf goats 4 does, 2 weathers, and a buck. 1 doe in milk and I am getting ready to breed 2 yearlings to the new buck. I will add some pics soon. I have been wanting dairy goats for almost 30 years. and finally last November I was able to buy 3 does one came with her buckling to make 4. He was actually 10 months old so the first thing I did was to band him but it was to late, She was pregnant. Not that that was bad because I am getting about a quart of milk a day from her, the kids seem normal except for minor teet deformities which is why I still have them they are 6 months old now. But I am loving them all and they are turning out to be more trainable than any dog I ever had. We were given the Buck this month and he is just loveable! if not a bit musky. I am really excited to be able to get questions answered I have been looking for a local goat mentor and no luck so far so I am figuring it out on my own but it is comforting to know there is a place just like BYC to get solid information.

I am looking forward to coffee time again

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA

Just added as great info, explanation....sad farmer lost all the cattle and surprised it wasn't known :( so read as this is real.

And now on with morning coffee 🌞 :celebrate home again and heading out for some tractor work while still cool. Yeah, heading into upper 90s with triple feel likes. So do it while cool. Moving dirt onto a pitted drive today. One that goes to back of farm....some ruts that become ponds after heavy rains. Fill from a mountain of dirt I've had for several years, then hire some more crushed concrete, or asphalt or such over it. A money sinkhole :oops:
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Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
High of 73°F with winds over 40 mph for next two days, yep here comes Fall. Don't worry summer will show back up on Monday with highs of 96°F.
Lets see I'm for once waiting on other people to get things done, injection pump being rebuilt and the differential getting looked at to be possibly rebuilt. Only handful or two of people have the tools, experience and expertise to rebuild those in the US. Going to to have to find something to do.