Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Sounds like there is full time plus for you. Which is great if that is what you are wanting. What a great problem to have IMO. I am hoping to be that valuable to my current employer.
They don't pay enough for me to be full time for what I'm capable is the problem, as with any "employer". So I will keep it at part time as I need things done around here for myself. Their $30 an hour is a gap filler to my $150 to $200 an hour when I run my machinery or run a service truck out.
How many mechanics you know will change a turbo out on a semi stuck in the middle of the highway with a cow trailer full of cow schit smell baking in the sun for $30 an hour?
I hope instead you start your own business if that's your forte as with anyone on here. Some are meant to be a cog to an employer, some aren't.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
No dirt today. Pouring down rain. Bennett caught a feral boar in his trap and had to shoot it because it was trying to jump out. Chase said he’d take boars, so Bennett and I got started on it. Chase was off today, so he went for ice. It poured down rain on us, young boar about 200 pounds, packed on ice and Chase took him home. We are idiots. Soaked to the bone, flinching at the lightning, but hey—free meat! I’ll take the next one. LOL


Loving the herd life
Aug 23, 2024
Reaction score
Central Texas
They don't pay enough for me to be full time for what I'm capable is the problem, as with any "employer". So I will keep it at part time as I need things done around here for myself. Their $30 an hour is a gap filler to my $150 to $200 an hour when I run my machinery or run a service truck out.
How many mechanics you know will change a turbo out on a semi stuck in the middle of the highway with a cow trailer full of cow schit smell baking in the sun for $30 an hour?
I hope instead you start your own business if that's your forte as with anyone on here. Some are meant to be a cog to an employer, some aren't.
I do not know any of those mechanics, until now 😉 :D
I am thinking about what I do that I could make a living at I so have a couple of options I have not tried yet like training with my bee guy and doing removals. It is against the law to kill honey bees in the State of Texas. Then turn that into use able sell-able items. Right now I am hanging on by my fingernails fighting to keep a job that I hate. Working for a "friend" that I did not realize was a business shyster :confused: This just might be the boost I need to get moving on my dreams and stop making others happen. Time will tell.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Honey sells for a good price around here...VA

Just saw on news this week that VA will give you a full set of hive, supers, long as you put bees in within a certain time, like 6 months or so. I've considered that, it's several hundred in savings. Plenty around for them. My last hives were strong & swarmed for me a couple times. I finally got rid of them 🤣they didn't like mower noises 🤷 got ugly.


Loving the herd life
Aug 23, 2024
Reaction score
Central Texas
Honey sells for a good price around here...VA

Just saw on news this week that VA will give you a full set of hive, supers, long as you put bees in within a certain time, like 6 months or so. I've considered that, it's several hundred in savings. Plenty around for them. My last hives were strong & swarmed for me a couple times. I finally got rid of them 🤣they didn't like mower noises 🤷 got ugly.
Mine were robbed last year, it was brutal! At the farmers market 1/2 gallon of honey in glass Mason jar is going for $45.00. Last year it was $30.00. Goats milk soap is going for 7 - 10.00. It's the start up that is going to require a safety net. I do love working with the bees, they hated my mower too even the electric one. They went after everything that moved! I got hedge clippers 🤣😂🤣 collect eggs, milk goat, feed everyone and slice bee grass 10 times. By the time I was done I started over. They are fascinating little war mongers if you tic them off. If not they bring calm to the garden.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Oh, great -- an elephant !!! 😳 Bad thought 🤣

When I was selling goat soap it was $4 a bar & really not a "hot" seller but, good. I'd run @$3 special for some types at bigger community affairs. Had to stop that, just as getting a good go when my mom with AD needed me....such is life. I have most all that's needed to go at it again, not as interested now. Still make for self. And sell milk to another soaper for her business. :idunno no pressure to be ready 😁 no farm sitter, etc. I'd rather milk.

Blue Sky

Herd Master
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
The Crockett report is not good. After a couple of rallies he’s struggling again. Appetite ok but no energy. Urine cleared up too. Sometimes his breathing is labored but only for a few minutes, in certain positions. Vet appt on Tuesday, I may try for one tomorrow. Damn it looks like I’ll lose my two primary LGDs within three weeks of each other. Number three is working if you count working as jumping the fence and fiddling around at the neighbors’s. The rescue organization I used is off limits because the manager discovered I am not a liberal. Said manager had been vocal on social media and punitive to conservative clients including threats to confiscate dogs adopted out. Ain’t no one got time for that **** around here. Language, I know. I have a sheep business to run. Found a couple of litters of pups nearby but what to do in the meantime? Put an aloha garland around the wandering dog’s neck and hope no one shoots him for chasing deer.