Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
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Wilmington, NC
There's a story in our local news about a 7-month-old baby in South Carolina that has tested positive for COVID-19, as has his grandmother. So far, his parents and siblings are asymptomatic, but haven't been tested (I assume the authorities are reserving the tests for people with symptoms). Baby and family are quarantined at home. He has viral pneumonia, and his mother has been told that, if he takes a turn for the worse, she is to call 911 and EMS will transport him to the hospital, but his family is to continue to stay home, in quarantine. My heart goes out to them.:fl


Herd Master
Nov 23, 2012
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Southwest Virginia
Thank you @purplequeenvt, I felt like you've added some great points. While I agree with many of you that we should be wary of the government trying to control our lives, I don't believe that this is the current situation. COVID-19 is a very serious virus, and it's only March. The death toll will rise over the course of the year, especially if it continues to rise at the current exponential rate. Let's do ourselves a favor and heed Italy's advice. Have you seen the videos Italians have made of what they would say to themselves 10 days ago? Very moving.

Who else is still working right now? Or working from home? How are you making ends meet?

I am still working part time because it's a dairy and creamery. But that is only 2 days a week. Our household is barely able to afford anything right now, luckily we have plenty of baby food and formula on hand. Even though there is very little money coming in, there are still lots of bills to pay. Luckily most companies are instituting grace periods for things like power, mortgages, credit cards, and business loans (we have all of these). I have a small garden that produces a lot. We have animals on the pasture, but still have to buy feed for pigs and chickens and will run out of money in a few months. I think a lot of industries are becoming depressed and the economy is collapsing. I personally have no money in the stock market, but worry about those whose retirement is there.

Who here is running farms and facing issues because the livestock auctions and farmers markets and specialty stores are shutting down?

I personally just sent some lambs to New Holland and am now glad that I did, as a lot of the auctions are shutting down. A lot of small farmers are turning back to direct to consumer and individual sales, although our local farmers market is not being allowed to operate except for pre-order sales. I can't sell my meat there unless I take it to the processor, and who knows if they will stay open. But I can sell live animals to customers, and then process the meat as a "favor." Same thing with my milk, I have started a small milk shares business this year for my sheepsmilk, so we'll see how that goes. We will probably start baking again and selling on the online farmers market to try and make some extra money. The pottery business isn't looking very promising with tourism at a standstill and gift shops closing.

And re: elections, I believe that in a crisis most Americans tend to vote for the current man in power to stay in power, and so I'm sure there will be no problems with Trump being re-elected.

Tell me what your daily struggles in reality are, I'm really curious to see who's in a similar boat.


Loving the herd life
Nov 11, 2019
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Clinton (piedmont) SC
I agree with @purplequeenvt . But I also disagree. And I am about to hurt her, and probably plenty of other people's feelings. I hurt FOR her because so many of her family members have had such tragic events in their lives. And all the others out there who have, or have family members with physically weakening conditions.
First let me precede what I'm about to say by including myself in those I'm about to talk about. My age (late 60's) and the fact that I have a chronic cough (nearly two packs a day, likely has progressed to lung cancer, but has at least impaired my lung functions) puts me strongly in the "at risk" category. This is BYH. Therefore most if not all of us, have animals. As such, most of us are familiar with the concept of culling the herd. Well, consider This nature's attempt to cull the herd. Now if the government were to implement forced euthanasia on the weak, old, and invalid, and I knew that I had hours to exist because of natural reasons, the gov officials would still have to pry.....from my cold dead hands.... As I fought them off. Not a gov decision. Now we can fight against Ma Nature, but can only temporarily put her off. She wins every time. Death WILL come.
So our respective governments (federal,state, and local) are stripping us of lots of our freedoms in the name of "protecting" us. As a result our freedoms are being infringed upon. I stand with Patrick Henry on this. "Give me liberty or give me death." I don't want to live in a nice safe bubble. That's not living. Don't tell me I can't climb a rock face in the Rocky Mountains because I could fall to my death. WARN me of the dangers, but allow me to risk my life as I see fit. Likewise, going to church. Warn me of the dangers, but don't tell me I can't go.
And what does this protection buy us? Our old and feeble (remember, this is me) may pass before we are ready for them to, but are we EVER "ready" to lose a loved one? But it's inevitable. If you're young to middle aged, this illness is NOT a mortal threat, any more than the "common" flu. Let's say you're a waitress, 30ish, married, 2 kids and an infirmed mother. You get Covid 19. You go home for two weeks. Your kids get sick, your hubby gets sick, in two to three weeks it has run its course in your family. You're over it. You stayed away from Mom to keep her safe...but she acquired it from some where else. Or even DIDN'T get Covid 19, but got a common flu, and due to her infirmed system, she passed away. Tragic, sad, but a fact of life. But, in a matter of just a few weeks, your life is back to normal. A job, income, kids back in school, you going to PTA meetings and soccer matches.
O R....
You are under various gov lockdowns (protections). For how long? Weeks? Months? A year? No job, no income. Children's education suffering. Worry and stress if you can keep your babies from literally starving because you have no $? For what? When lockdown finally ends, the germ is still out there....waiting. To get you anyway, worse even, because you are now weakened by a deficient diet. And it all begins, all over again.
Again I say. Keep me informed. WARN me even. But stop trying to make decisions for me. My life. Let me risk it if I want.
Sorry. Long. Political. Controversial. Offensive even. But hey, I'm stuck on lockdown with all this time on my hands....


Loving the herd life
Nov 11, 2019
Reaction score
Clinton (piedmont) SC
There's a story in our local news about a 7-month-old baby in South Carolina that has tested positive for COVID-19, as has his grandmother.
He first had a fever on Monday. Family had difficult delay in getting him tested. So his fever hit 104. Serious, yes. But by Friday, no fever, still coughing (and I'm sure cranky). 5 days, and recovering.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
That is a good idea to do private sales. Here in California you have to be a Grade A licensed dairy to sell milk or cheese for human consumption. (See Babsbags' struggles). However, you can run a dairy coop if you only share the milk between the subscribers/co-owners - whatever they are considered. DS2's good friend from 4-H runs her co-op dairy that way and then uses the extra milk to make lotions and soap which she sells on-line.

I sell most of my lambs private sale here. I don't know if my butcher is still open. I will have to call him to check since I have 4 lambs just about ready to go to slaughter. If he is closed for any length of time, I will have to hold them over on pasture instead of graining them for a while.

Smart and Final was due to get their shipment of eggs this am. DS1 was going to go early to get eggs this am. He was very annoyed at DH who was supposed to wake him early and then forgot to do so. No eggs at the store, of course.. However, DH off the hook since the delivery came yesterday even though the store manager said it would come today. Supposed to be another delivery Monday am. He was able to get 10 lbs. of flour. Since ice cream is available I had him pick some up. Maybe that is how we will have to get our eggs! LOL Still have bread so he didn't get any since "it wasn't the kind he likes". If he can be picky I guess there is no rush for bread! I don't eat bread so no problem and we are only using it for DS2's lunches he takes to work.

DH hitched the trailer and went to get hay. NO HAY! Was told there is a load coming in tomorrow morning so stayed hitched and ready to leave in am for hay supplier. He couldn't call since he had lost the phone number. I asked if he had gotten the number today and he said yes. BUT he hadn't put it in his phone yet. He would do it "Later".
:barnie I am going NOW to put it in MY phone. This is why I handle keeping of all records. :he DH asked why needed the hay guy's number! DUH! :\ I just told him that it was safer if we both had it. We are getting a bit tense under quarantine.

Talked to DD1 this am and texted DD2 last night. Both are keeping home although want to come see us. Maybe next week DD1 since she is just around the corner. We can hang her pictures and put stuff away. maybe get a handle on Elizabeth's room. No rain today so if it clears for a few days I can get DD1's old canopy bed and give it a fresh coat of paint. Granddaughter is 6 years old and luckily small enough to still fit in her youth bed. She needs a normal size bed. DD1 is a middle school teacher so is teaching from home via e-mail, assigning work, collecting and correcting it, then sending it back with new assignments.

She is having a hard time since she is somewhat COPD in her thinking and has a hard time adjusting to new things. I told her to make a list of everything she wanted to get done around the house and yard. I told her to inclide stuff like gardening, planting and canning this summer. Then she should go back and pick out the most important things that should be done asap. Move them to the top of the list. Stuff that can be done in a few month move to the bottom. She told me "Oh, you mean "chunking"! ????? Apparently this is a teaching term that means grouping things in "chunks" so they are more easily assimilated or attained. Whatever works for her. For me it means listing the most important and easily accomplished things first so I can finish the work. I love crossing accomplished tasks off, very life affirming! :gig

DD1 says we all suck over here. Tp;d her about our movie night 2 days ago. Both movies she loves. last night we watched the old musical 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. Wonderful music and dancing. Such a great movie. Also one of DD1's favorites. Had to promise to watch it again when she can be with us. SIL doesn't like re-watching any movies twice. he also doesn't like lightweight comedies like we do. Wonderful husband and father but can be a little boring. More old movies tonight. Hung up to sound of DD1's wailing.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Xerocles ; Cannot fault your thinking in many ways. I do think that the lockdowns are to help slow it. I am not sure that it is fair to impose it on all aspects of society due to the differences in things like city/apartment living and country living where we are more spread out AND most have a greater immune system due to exposure to many other "bugs" that exist in nature.
But it does seem that this particular strain is much more infective than other things, like flus, so maybe there needs to be some inbetween measures taken.
I don't have the answers. I think some of it is overboard in some ways. The panic buying and all has really gone way out due to the people in general that have no clue about how to prepare to be somewhat self sufficient for even a couple weeks at a time.
I believe in a person being informed and then able to make their own decision..... but like the climbing the rock face in the Rocky Mountains, and you are risking your own life..... the problem is that you are also risking the lives of the rescue people who are coming to get you when you fall off that mountain and get hurt..... But in general I mostly agree with your thinking. You can't make my life totally risk free and trying to wrap me in cotton wool won't solve the problem.
The whole problem is that there are not enough people who are willing to take responsibility for their own actions. And there are those like @Duckfarmerpa1 that has said how naive she is and continues to just believe in people which is too far in the other direction.
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Herd Master
Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
Southwest Virginia
You are under various gov lockdowns (protections). For how long? Weeks? Months? A year? No job, no income. Children's education suffering. Worry and stress if you can keep your babies from literally starving because you have no $? For what? When lockdown finally ends, the germ is still out there....waiting. To get you anyway, worse even, because you are now weakened by a deficient diet. And it all begins, all over again.

The whole point of the "lockdown" is to slow the spread and give hospitals time to acquire more equipment and free up more ventilators etc and possibly find a vaccine or at least some other medications that will help. So that fewer people need die before their time, thanks to modern technology (but not medicine, in this case).

I take your point, I just find needless death kind of pointless in contemporary society. We are not JUST animals in a herd anymore. Hopefully, we are a civilization. Whatever that means to you, to all of us.

I personally would be happy to give up my freedoms to help others, even if others would never do the same for me, because that is part of my core belief system. But I know not everyone feels the same.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
I agree with @purplequeenvt . But I also disagree. And I am about to hurt her, and probably plenty of other people's feelings. I hurt FOR her because so many of her family members have had such tragic events in their lives. And all the others out there who have, or have family members with physically weakening conditions.
First let me precede what I'm about to say by including myself in those I'm about to talk about. My age (late 60's) and the fact that I have a chronic cough (nearly two packs a day, likely has progressed to lung cancer, but has at least impaired my lung functions) puts me strongly in the "at risk" category. This is BYH. Therefore most if not all of us, have animals. As such, most of us are familiar with the concept of culling the herd. Well, consider This nature's attempt to cull the herd. Now if the government were to implement forced euthanasia on the weak, old, and invalid, and I knew that I had hours to exist because of natural reasons, the gov officials would still have to pry.....from my cold dead hands.... As I fought them off. Not a gov decision. Now we can fight against Ma Nature, but can only temporarily put her off. She wins every time. Death WILL come.
So our respective governments (federal,state, and local) are stripping us of lots of our freedoms in the name of "protecting" us. As a result our freedoms are being infringed upon. I stand with Patrick Henry on this. "Give me liberty or give me death." I don't want to live in a nice safe bubble. That's not living. Don't tell me I can't climb a rock face in the Rocky Mountains because I could fall to my death. WARN me of the dangers, but allow me to risk my life as I see fit. Likewise, going to church. Warn me of the dangers, but don't tell me I can't go.
And what does this protection buy us? Our old and feeble (remember, this is me) may pass before we are ready for them to, but are we EVER "ready" to lose a loved one? But it's inevitable. If you're young to middle aged, this illness is NOT a mortal threat, any more than the "common" flu. Let's say you're a waitress, 30ish, married, 2 kids and an infirmed mother. You get Covid 19. You go home for two weeks. Your kids get sick, your hubby gets sick, in two to three weeks it has run its course in your family. You're over it. You stayed away from Mom to keep her safe...but she acquired it from some where else. Or even DIDN'T get Covid 19, but got a common flu, and due to her infirmed system, she passed away. Tragic, sad, but a fact of life. But, in a matter of just a few weeks, your life is back to normal. A job, income, kids back in school, you going to PTA meetings and soccer matches.
O R....
You are under various gov lockdowns (protections). For how long? Weeks? Months? A year? No job, no income. Children's education suffering. Worry and stress if you can keep your babies from literally starving because you have no $? For what? When lockdown finally ends, the germ is still out there....waiting. To get you anyway, worse even, because you are now weakened by a deficient diet. And it all begins, all over again.
Again I say. Keep me informed. WARN me even. But stop trying to make decisions for me. My life. Let me risk it if I want.
Sorry. Long. Political. Controversial. Offensive even. But hey, I'm stuck on lockdown with all this time on my hands....
I agree my problem with government doing this is that at some point if this is accepted they go further. I can't recall a time in history we had political parties running for a presidency and saying they wanted to make us a socialist government. I am sorry but if you go to school to be a Dr and spend amount of money and time to accomplish this would you expect to make the same as some one working at a fast food joint. Of course not but that's what they suggesting. Also the health care for all would raise all of our taxes to 52% of our income seriously so if you get paid 30$ an hr now your making less the 15 an hr. That's insane it makes me nervous with how far they are going. I don't care for big government.
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Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
@mysunwolf I'm sorry to hear this is strongly affecting your family. The good side? You have milk. You can make cheese, yogurt, butter and ice cream! I have goats and do these things with my abundance of milk! Have chickens? There's eggs and meat. Make your own bread....if you can grab flour & yeast.

This is & will continue to cause problems for many. We will all have to use our own devices to keep safe and make do. Barter? Yep, it still works. Plus, you have area, fertilizer right there, a garden will provide so much for you! Look ahead for what to do.

@Ridgetop, sorry about those eggs! And there may be a buy limit when you find some. My own hens have ramped up, making a lot of customers & their families happy! Wish you were next door -- I'd even deliver to you!! 3 dz a day is plenty and they renew the supply EVERY DAY!! A rooster crows but a hen delivers!

Hay -- so far my supplier is a friend and will be sure I have it available so long as she has any. Not free but, available! Just as good, right now. We won't have full pastures for another month or so. Right now, limited graze time & hay. The animals having plentiful feed is my greatest concern. But, I have farmer friends who will sell me mixed grains if needed.
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