Loving the herd life
X 10Pretty silly song....who wouldn't want to go to Heaven RIGHT NOW????? It's incredible to me why so many people not only NOT prepare to go to Heaven, but after they say they have done so, they then add they don't want to go right now. Have they even READ about the place???? Do they even believe it exists? If they do, there isn't one reasonable thought process that would allow them to prefer to live here rather than there.
No, it's not selfish to live your life and move about as normal and do all the things one normally does under these present circumstances. There's absolutely no firm evidence that this is indeed as infectious and dangerous as they say it is, there are so few cases world wide compared to the population of the Earth that it's laughable to even suggest it's dangerous and spreading like wildfire~it's already resolving itself in China, if you can even believe THAT information~ and it would only be selfish to carry on as per normal if there was firm evidence to support the need to do so....there is none, it's all what ifs and smoke and mirrors driven by fearmongering.
Since there is no firm evidence and merely conjecture, it's understandable if people don't trust what they are being told and don't want to obey blindly the over the top measures that have been implemented.
The Emperor is not wearing any clothes and I don't mind being some of the few who point that out. Many like me in the medical field are thinking the same thing....we've seen WAY worse diseases, way more infectious, with WAY less precautions going on and we are knee deep in germs every day that would make most people run in terror, but this isn't 1one of them. It's a cold virus, one of many, that have been around a long, long time.