True BYH Addict
I am so sorry to hear about your quail. Racoons are a PAIN!
Can't wait to see the cute little baby goats!
Can't wait to see the cute little baby goats!
Could mice or rats could have done it? Any gap that their heads fit in, the rest of them can follow. Sorry for your loss, hopefully you can eliminate the predator, but that doesn't fill the void left by their deaths.elevan said:A minor tragedy struck our small farm last night. We check on our quail trio every afternoon. DH wondered why they were so quiet this morning and when he got to their cage he found out why. All 3 lay dead on the cage floor missing their legs and beaks!
The cage had not been breeched and it is 1/2" hardware cloth all around. Only guess is a coon was able to get a finger or 2 in and pull through their legs as they often slept on the cage floor even though they had a platform to sleep on. What a horrible death!
We're very upset as these were our breeders
DH buried 2 of them and the third we kept to use as bait for a trap. We hope to catch the culprit tonight.
On a better note we were able to get the first goat breeding pen set up and Snickers and Lilly are there now. Timing on this was perfect as she started showing signs of heat this morning and had been teasing Snickers at the fence.