High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I wish people wouldn’t fuss about my dogs when they come to my house.
You can always tell them just don't come to your house. It usually works.
I had a friend that had a pet monkey. Didn't take me but one visit to decide never to return.

Just because they aren’t dog people doesn’t mean they have a right to be mean or rude or hateful to me or my dogs. Totally understand with finding someone to care for them that you trust.

That is a different story....when others come to YOUR house. Your house, your dogs, your rules.

At one time, I had some pasture leased to a friend of mine to run some cows on. Problems arose, when there was problems with his cows. He rarely answers his phone, so I would have to go get him at his house and he has a big pack (4-7) of various breed cur dogs that won't allow you to get out of your vehicle (yes, they do bite!.. chewed some salesman's leg up pretty good as soon as he set his foot on the ground)
He'd also take them with him in the back of his truck to check on his cows and the first thing they'd do is launch off the back of his truck and make a beeline for my house and yard to mix it up with my dogs. Believe me...these were not, in any way, shape or form..cow dogs.

He & I are good friends, but I finally told him if he was going to run cows on my place he had to make himself available and that included doing something with his dogs so people could come get HIM to take care of HIS cows and to keep HIS dogs off MY property when he came to feed or put out hay..
He did do better after that but acted like I had asked him to commit some heinous crime..
I did not re-new the pasture lease, mostly because of his dogs. H ended up having to sell his cows because he couldn't find a new lease...on account of his dogs.
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Many times, it has little to do with being dangerous if the animals are inside the house where the guests are visiting.

When I lived in San Angelo, we had a good friend that had a handful of horses and several hundred goats. For the most part, the horses were in paddocks by her very nice house in town, and the goats were on her remote property way out in the rangeland..her GS dog stayed out doors in daytime and inside at night but, ........she was also a cats person. An inside cats person. (that's right. Plural, as in a lot of cats..inside.)
She would call and invite us over for coffee or just to hang out, using the usual terminology, but if she were honest, here's what the verbal invitation should have sounded like.
"Hey Don, you and wife want to come over tonight and have some coffee and watch a video as my dog humps your leg, and my cats crawl all over the countertops, the stove top, try to sip some of your coffee, meander in and out of the sink eating bits of food off the morning breakfast dishes, drink from the cream dispenser and shed hair all over your clothes? I'll put a throw on the sofa so you don't get covered in cat and dog hair. About 7 would be good.

It was pretty awful. I had to go in the bathroom while there one time and the litterbox was huge and the odor from it matched it's size.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Cannot stand the smell of a cat litter box. When we had a cat, it was in the garage. Had to give her away, our SIL is deathly allergic to cats, druther have him than a cat. But I do miss having a cat.....Paris the LGD would kill it. :idunno


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
If my dogs were dangerous, it’d be different. They have alerted on strangers and I’ve even put a dog down that I didn’t trust. I’m just not thick skinned enough to throw a fit.
Stand up for yourself or be a doormat. Be polite and gracious, but stand your ground. Maybe you need some "Southernisms" whereby you smile sweetly and deliver a verbal blow to the gut that sorta sounds like a compliment......or was that an insult? :lol:

If you can't think of any, tell me some of the things your guests say about your dogs and I will provide you with Southernisms. :thumbsup

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
Stand up for yourself or be a doormat. Be polite and gracious, but stand your ground. Maybe you need some "Southernisms" whereby you smile sweetly and deliver a verbal blow to the gut that sorta sounds like a compliment......or was that an insult? :lol:

If you can't think of any, tell me some of the things your guests say about your dogs and I will provide you with Southernisms. :thumbsup

Ooh! This is going to be fun!! I’ll gather a few!


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Ooh! This is going to be fun!! I’ll gather a few!
1. Exactly what is it your guests don't like about your dogs? (be specific please)
2. Something the dogs do or simply that the dogs exist?
3. In what way are they (your guests) "mean" to them?

Have you tried "Get your %$@& off my property and don't ever come back!"?

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
In general, this is immediate family. (All of our friends are much more accepting!)

They don’t like dogs in general- specifically in the house. They complain about the hair getting on them and any that they can find on the floor. (I had a German Shepherd Mix before Halo.) I don’t keep an immaculate house but it is tidy.

On occasion, one of the dogs will jump up. Most are trained not to but y’all know it takes repetition with pups. I’ll say “off”
and I’ve tried to explain that it’s a different term than “down.” They still use down.

Had a dog that’s gone now but she was a 35# Mix and busy as a bee. She loved everyone and would run by and lick people without them knowing they were being targeted until she had already accomplished her goal. Threw fits about her to no end for this.

Cowboy currently has a skunk odor if he’s damp. Of course that’s horribly offensive.

Being nosed for pets is annoying and causes hand flinging which then starts the dogs jumping around.

Muddy footprints on my floors, if the kids let a dog in before I get a chance to clean them, are like a huge catastrophe.

We’ve had instances where people come and go from the farm when we aren’t home (it’s the central farm and several family members have access and things that are kept here/available for use/etc) and I believe that things happen when we aren’t here. Jewel has gotten much more timid and even the slightest change of tone sends her running to her pen with her tail nub tucked. (She is penned when we are gone so I don’t have a way to put the pieces together at the moment.)

Sending Faith out repeatedly was a big stressor for me. She usually went directly to the door when she needed out. The dining room table is right next to the door. She always came to check on the kids when they ate or did crafts or whatever at the table. I could tell the difference but since she was in the same room as the door, she needed to go out and the door would be held open and she’d be bothered until she went out. If she came back in as soon as someone else did the comment was made that she was just let out. Faith never had accidents and she didn’t prefer to stay out. She’d lay in the sun on the right occasion but was out if we were or laid around the house. That was her.

I get met with eyerolls if I mention my dogs. People make comments about how many I have. Family’s comments are ruder than strangers. The most I’ve had was 8. At the time, four were rescues and one was my brother’s heeler that needed room to run until he could move out of my parents’ fancy house to somewhere with more room.

Everyone assumed I wouldn’t get another housedog after Faith. No idea why. My house was empty. I couldn’t stand it. I had to deal with a lot of judgement about getting Halo and her being a house dog. She has been wonderfully therapeutic and gives me several reasons to smile each day.

I can’t think of any specific comments but I will and share them.

I do have a nephew that is terrified of large dogs. We’ve been working on this and are very careful with our dogs when he’s around. I don’t want him traumatized more and we’ve made lots of progress. Not sure where his fear came from though. They have a black lab mix so it’s not like he’s not around dogs.

We have pens where all dogs can be contained if necessary. I just feel like they shouldn’t be grounded every time someone comes over. I don’t send my kids to their rooms.

I have to say that the only time I’ve been like that about my property was when salesmen won’t leave. They got no business being back here and some won’t readily leave when the door is answered with a gun and a German Shepherd!

I really don’t have the type of backbone to do that. I often wish that I didn’t let people walk all over me and push me around.

I will say that DH will make the occasional comment back when he thinks he can get away with it while making his point. It’s much more difficult for me to do.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
My sister actually kicked at one of my Pyr’s one day because he leaned in for attention. My dad ended up handling that one. She still complains of they are loose and try to come or go from the house when she does but no more physical reactions.