High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
No... You must have misunderstood Bruce... When she says Paris would kill it... that's exactly what would happen. Age/size is not a factor.

WH, I so feel for you and if ANY one, family member or not, took aim at one of my dogs, they would no longer be welcome on my property. period. Complaints about dog hair? Fine! Tell them where the vacuum is and allow them to help themselves. If they have a problem with my housekeeping, again, offer them the ability to help you out since they think you have so much free time to worry about inconsequential crap.

Central farm or not, Family members or not, I would immediately stop the random drop byes and free access to YOUR property. Hence forth, if somebody wants to store stuff at YOUR place, they will do so at YOUR convenience. If they want to retrieve their stuff from YOUR place, they will do so when YOU are there and again when it's best for YOU.

Getting off my soap box on HDC's thread. Time for some backbone reinforcement there WH! You are not a child, and beholden to no body.


Herd Master
Mar 7, 2018
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I agree with LS. Just because you arent home doesnt mean people can come and go as they please.
Sounds like somebody mistreated one of your furry babies, and for that, access denied. Cameras stratigically placed might help you see what goes on when your not around.
Thats your home and if you want dogs, cats, goats, sheep, pigs, or an elephant, thats no ones business but yours and your family.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
I didn't quote the post but I did read your remarks about your family, your dogs and the salesmen.

Choices...always. If your extended family and others don't want to be nosed, licked, sniffed etc by your dogs, and they dislike pet hair in the house (albeit YOUR house) then they will just have to stay away, AND, it's your responsibility to make that perfectly clear to them. You set the rules and what is allowed and not allowed in your house regarding YOUR dogs. If your visitors don't like it, they can stay home.
It really is just a matter of choices.

Who (what) has dominion over who (what)?

I personally do not let my dogs lick me, nuzzle me or sniff me except when I call them over to get petted. Why? Because if I allow it with me, they will do it with/to others that may not like it. If they approach to do so uninvited, I just say "Anghk!" and they know to wait until I want them to. Same when I have visitors... family or otherwise. If they want to pet my dogs, they can call them over. I love my dogs and never mistreat them, but I insist on obedience. They do not have dominion over me.

If you want your dogs to continue to do with you and your immediate family as they have been doing, that's fine, but you can't expect everyone else that you invite or allow in your house to happily accept it being done to them. Look at the world as it actually is, not as you are.

Many years ago, I read a short story..early part of Jr High school I think. It involved a relatively young farmer just starting out in a small community. He had lots of friends, and as was the practice of the time, they all pitched in and helped each other. As the young guy prospered, his friends helped him build the biggest barn in the county and he slowly acquired the financial means to fill it with animals and hay. He became enamored with his own success, somewhat self centered and egotistical..ok, maybe a lot so and eventually found himself friendless as he approached middle age. I don't remember much more of the story or even the name of it, but a couple of lines have remained in my memory all these decades.
"One day his barn burned to the ground. He lost everything and he found to his dismay, he had run off all those around who might have helped him rebuild it''.
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Maybe not if it were a kitten and you kept it with the sheep. Just one more member of the flock to guard.
At our old house, we lived next to a cat hoarder. 30-40 at a time would show up every evening/morning to be fed. They crapped all over our front yard, sprayed the porch and house. Any that went in the back yard were killed by Paris, kittens a speciality. Cats yowling at all hours of the night drove her into a frenzy. Paris hated cats and still does. She kills snakes, cats, have found a HUGE possum she killed one night. Basically anything that is not a chicken or sheep is fair game. Dead.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
My sister actually kicked at one of my Pyr’s one day because he leaned in for attention. My dad ended up handling that one. She still complains of they are loose and try to come or go from the house when she does but no more physical reactions.
You are a lot nicer than me, I would have blown up on that one. How dare she? Trip will jump the fence to greet people at the gate. Then he follows them to the house, pees on all their tires and poops next to their vehicle. Don't like it? (shrug) Your car/truck is now anointed and protected by a Great Pyrenees. Better than an alarm. Anybody that kicked him would get a royal ass whipping.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Ok, this is your house. If it has muddy paw prints on the floor, so what?

Southernism #1; I know that might be distressing to you, it will get cleaned up. If I am not moving fast enough to suit you, would you like to do the honors? (holding out broom, mop, said with a big smile) Be ready for the blowback, cause it's coming. My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy and we are freaking HAPPY. (laugh and wipe up paw prints)

Southernism #2; This is a farm, not a museum. Mud happens, it is not the end of the world. (look at her like she is a complete idiot)

Dog hair. I have to say that dog hair annoys the crap out of me. I clean it up, it comes right back. Dogs are not allowed on furniture except for my and DH's recliners. It is our choice, guests should not have to deal with it.
Southernism #1; This is our home. We like our dogs and they have hair. It comes off, duh. I vacuumed right before you came in to give you the pristine environment that you demand. I obviously failed, oh well.

Southernism #2; As many times that you have been here, you haven't figured that out yet? (laugh loudly)

Have you ever heard the expression, " Suck it up buttercup" That is exactly what you need to do. This is your family, your friends, you don't want them out of your life, but they cannot run your life either. Stand up for yourself, your children, your husband, your animals, your WAY OF LIFE THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. You do not have to be rude or hateful, just polite and firm.

Suck it up buttercup.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
At our old house, we lived next to a cat hoarder. 30-40 at a time would show up every evening/morning to be fed. They crapped all over our front yard, sprayed the porch and house. Any that went in the back yard were killed by Paris, kittens a speciality. Cats yowling at all hours of the night drove her into a frenzy. Paris hated cats and still does. She kills snakes, cats, have found a HUGE possum she killed one night. Basically anything that is not a chicken or sheep is fair game. Dead.
ICK!! OK so Paris has good reason to dislike cats. And I guess you better not get goats or cattle either ;) I guess the hogs were kept separate from her too :)

Anybody that kicked him would get a royal ass whipping.
And it would be well deserved!