Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
We do the same Bay. We gave an early spring dose this year because it was so warm and I was seeing ticks in early March. They will get another dose in June unless we see a lot of activity around. I'm in the tick prone areas more than the dogs so I pretty much go by what I see on me.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Never thought I'd ever say "I have too much milk"... but there ya go, consider it said. Since I'm not sure of the drug withdrawal time yet, I can't use the milk I'm getting right now. Even with feeding CC 24oz x 3, I have almost 2 gallons in the fridge right now. I've already gone past/through the pre-shot milk, so all I can use this for is CC. This morning I dumped 1/2 gallon I'd just milked onto the compost (I hear lactic acid helps the composting :hu:fl). This afternoon I have the vet appt for the goats and Mel so I'll ask about withdrawal then. Speaking of the vet appt, it's cloudy, very humid, and looks/feels like rain. I really do NOT want to fight with/load/unload goats in the rain :( I sure hope it holds off till late afternoon early evening. Cloudy is quite good though as it will keep the direct sun/heat down a bit. The appt is at 3pm. Mel isn't an issue as I can load/unload him in/under the carport.

I'm not a really big cheese eater GW... :hide I basically use it (milk) for cooking milk/rue based meals, cereal, chocolate milk (a MUST have daily) and straight up drinking. Because I'm trying to lose weight, my diet is/has changed. Not just quantity, but what I eat. Have had to cut down on my primary food; meat, substantially. :hit Less of my favorite rib eye steaks and my other love; pork... any and all. The doc tells me to eat more fish. I don't really care for fresh water fish (too small and too many bones) and salt water species are pretty expensive here. I prefer fish "steaks" like swordfish or tuna :drool or shellfish like lobster, shrimp and clams. Not a big fan of crab as I got serious food poisoning from blue crab when I was younger.

Thanks for the tips on syringe/oral administration. Perhaps I'll try that on the next go-round. So just squirt it into the cheek pocket huh? I might could be able to manage that. :) I thought I had to get the syringe down their throat o_O or tube it :confused:. I think the shot was probably best though for the initial dose.

Bang is queen, so she tries to control all three feed buckets :rant So I put them out in a triangle and stand in the middle until they've all had a chance to get a good feed and eliminate the "I'm starving and need ALL the feed" action. Every time Bang makes to move to a different bucket (from #1), I step between her and where she wants to go so she has no choice but to go back to the bucket she started with. Once they've all had a good portion I can move away and they'll move back and forth between the buckets without (too much) fighting and head butting. If I move away too soon, I'll know almost immediately as Bang will instantly start chasing the others away from the buckets so she can control all the feed. They all to some extent search for one particular item in the feed. Dot is the worst about it and will go through a whole bucket looking for just the one item, :idunno then want to move to another bucket to search that one. Once that item is all gone, then she/they will settle down to just eating what's there.

I have to say all this attention I've lavished on Bang has made her much less standoffish toward me. She now comes up to me while feeding CC and stands for a good scratching on the neck and withers. Now that I've actually gotten my hands on her, she's very thin as well, comparative (or maybe a bit worse) to Dot, so I'm sure she needed worming as well. I'll be monitoring them very closely to make sure they're putting back on some weight. I've increased the grain/feed a bit at both feedings. There's generally a little left after they've all had their fill. I know that dairy goats are supposed to be "thinner" and more "bony" than meat goats, but thin is thin, and these girls need some more meat added to their frames.

It's taken 2 months, but CC has finally figured out where her liquid nourishment comes from :th and she's been actively trying to sample Dot's milk, fresh from the teat. Dot's having none of that nonsense and kicks her off :lol::gigSilly goat... Or maybe CC just likes the taste of bag balm :sick. I try to put some on her teats about every other milking. It's definitely kept them nice and soft/pliable.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Less of my favorite rib eye steaks and my other love; pork... any and all. The doc tells me to eat more fish. I don't really care for fresh water fish (too small and too many bones) and salt water species are pretty expensive here. I prefer fish "steaks" like swordfish or tuna :drool or shellfish like lobster, shrimp and clams.

Protein (from meats) shouldn't be too bad in smaller lean portions in regards to weight loss. The fatty foods and sugars are bad tho. Most breads will put on the pounds too.
We eat a lot of pork, but only lean whole loin, sliced into steaks and excess fat trimmed off.
Dietitian recommended/approved it to me as a substitute for skinless boneless tasteless chicken.

When Doctors and Dietitians say you should eat fish @ least 2x week, they mean preferably, a more oily fish such as salmon and tuna, and not catfish or tilapia. It's also a fat, but it's a 'good' fat. This helps both in weight control, cholesterol control, and glucose control.
(and no, fish sticks are not considered a good fish source--I asked)


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
My DH has un-diagnosed sleep apnea, at least the doctor hasn't diagnosed it but I sure have. When he was in the hospital they had him on O2 for his pneumonia so they didn't catch it, wish they had of as he won't say anything. He could probably sleep with it on ok, but the maintenance of it would be another story so I think I would like him to try the oral appliance. He doesn't snore as much since he lost 30lbs and I don't notice the apnea as much either. Maybe if he lost another 20 he wouldn't need anything. But we will probably never know. I get frustrated with him for ignoring it... when it is fixable then fix it.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
I haven't been able to get past being a "Bucket Monitor" you were witness to. I understand your dietary situation, as I have to be particular about those things. I love shrimp, but they are high in cholesterol, so I don't get it much. I'm not a fish eater either, but I filet all that I catch and eat, so no bones at all.....can't eat salmon and tuna is okay on occassion....out of the can in tuna salad. If I actually stuck to the diet I've been given, I would truly starve to death. So, I just watch the amounts and how often I binge....:)
Are the hands and wrists still doing okay?


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Take this,

chill it well in the freezer, so it firms up but not frozen and turn it into stacks of this,

Trim excess fat off the outside of each steak,

bag 'em in ziplocks and freeze in individual serving size.



Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
They likely won't catch apnea in the hospital unless they happen to be in the room when the patient stops breathing. The overnight sleep study shows how often and how long the patient stops breathing. My wife discovered mine only because she was occasionally awake at the right time. That should pretty much be the only thing you need for a "referral" :D

With regard to "bucket monitoring" perhaps you could tie the critters to the fence near their bucket so they don't have the option of sampling the other animals' food without permission :)

Eating fat doesn't make you fat, sugar (especially refined) does. Unfortunately sugar is TASTY! (he says as he finishes his daily Dr. Pepper with 40 g of sugar)
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