Herd Master
Oh, so a grass snake? They do stay small. I’ve seen one snake out by the pond. It got in the water so fast, I didn’t see its head. Don’t know if a water snake or a cotton mouth. Two guys cutting up firewood killed a copperhead.
Oh yeah - I've got roadrunners -- all affectionately named "Roadie". They even eat the rattle snakes here - LOVE our Roadies!
I never did trap the groundhog last year despite using every bait claimed to be an attractant including cantaloupe. Haven't seen it this year but I'm pretty sure "yet" is appropriate.Believe another groundhog has decided to move in under a hen house.. Need to buy some cantaloupe to bait the traps....
Mocha is still nursing Oreo who is only 6 weeks old right now. Misty and Shy Lady are smaller and a little lower condition than I'd like. They turned 1 year old April 1st. So I was going to feed them seperate a bit.Why not breed Group 2 at the same time as Group 1? At what age will you breed Oreo?