Queen Mum's Dancing in the Rain

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
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Dardanelle, Arkansas
I have been BUSY! I have to take the goats out every single day to browse. I can't just let them out right now as it is HUNTING SEASON and my doe Brownie looks enough like a deer to be mistaken and shot so it is ultra caution time. Even though they all have bright collars and bells. They are getting nice a fit, though. And they are really working together as a herd. Every day we go down the drive to a new place and they follow along nicely as a group. Angel the Husky takes the lead followed by Jelly Bean, and Perl prancing along. Then Ian leads the bigger goats. Brownie follows Ian with her babies right behind. I Hyeon and Hyeon Seo follow Brownie, then Mama follows behind. Trump Card wanders along behind and then WAY in the back, Houdini wanders slowly behind the crowd. Eventually he trots up to catch up so he doesn't miss his morsels of food.

It's quite the parade.

If I holler "Hyeop, Hyeop" they all form up and move to where ever I take them. "Hya" gets them to move off the road so cars can pass. "OK, time to go home" and they head right home.. If I say, "OK Boys, in the pen" The bucks go into the buck pen. Then it's "Come on girls" and all the does and doelings go into the doe pen. "Babies" gets the doelings into the kid pen. If the dog gives them a warning bark they all run over to her and stand behind her.

I have also been going to visit my DBF which is a bit of travel time.Of course, it is worth every second.

AND my washing machine broke so I have had to spend considerable time taking it apart and hunting down some parts.

I have been taking a disabled friend to the VA Hosptial for his health care and driving him to the store and helping with chores. Unfortunately when I went to his house the other day to talk to him about my having a boyfriend, he had apparently found out from someone else and he was very hurt and angry. He said he doesn't want me to help him anymore. He tried to say it was because of some other thing but the excuse he used didn't make any sense.

I feel really bad because I know he had a crush on me and I wanted to break the news to him gently and assure him that we would still be friends and I would still be there for him. Now he doesn't have anyone to help him out as his family does not do any of his care and he really needs a lot of help. Also I really enjoyed his company. We always had fun when we got together and even though he is a bit of a curmudgeon, he is a sweet old curmudgeon and we laughed and talked alot together. I am going to miss our time together.

I am also volunteering to help with a benefit for someone at my church who has overwhelming bills from cancer treatment.

PLUS, I have joined a group for the Cooperative extension service in my area. That is a lot of fun. We do community service projects and various crafty sorts of things. It is right up my alley. My first project was to help set up the exhibits for the county fair this year. I have volunteered to teach 4-H kids about dairy goats and cheese making.

I have joined a knitting group and am learning to knit. I'm going to be making hats for soldiers on deployment.

Volunteering for the VA has become a passion for me. I went to visit a friend at the VA Hospital and while there I saw a huge need for volunteers. Some of those guys are in the hospital for extended periods of time. They need help with errands and shopping. Many of them have family that have to come from long distances to visit. Recreation is sparse. The rec rooms are staffed by volunteers who come in on their own time and so the rooms are only open at certain times of the day. This is something that limits how often the vets can have some fun while they are stuck in the hospital for their routine care.



Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Queen Mum, you sound like you have such a warm heart, so nice that you are volunteering to help so many others. I think your friend will come around once the little heart break goes away. Sounds like you have a rich, fulfilling life.

I just love hearing how you herd your goats around! When I go out to feed the goats today, I'm going to say "Hyeop, Hyeop," that just tickles me!

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
I had a whole message written and Bow, my 5 month old kitten erased it. Kitty on the keyboard. :barnie Bow the kitten, eats, sleeps and plays with Angel the dog. He has lately decided that he should go on goat duty with the dog. He follows that dog everywhere. I have been trying to convince him that this is unwise. This morning I had to say no when he wanted to go for a walk with us. You would have though he had been severly rebuked. He sat in the window with the saddest look on his face. He only weighs 6 pounds and is not very outdoors savy. Plus the goats are not too thrilled with his presence in the herd.

Goats, BTW, are very quick to learn verbal commands. It only took a couple days to learn the commands to get them to comply when we go for a walk. Right now I am working on teaching them right and left. That will be very handy. Jelly Bean and Mama are the quickest learners of the herd. It seems to me that the black goats in the bunch are the smartest. I don't know if that is coincidence or genetics.

As for volunteering, I get so much out of it. It is rewarding to know that I can do something to pay it forward for all the blessings that have come my way over the years.

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
What a wild and crazy week. I have been out of town much of the week. Running back and forth. But last night as I was driving home, the light show was spectacular. We were supposed to have a big storm and I was driving home near 8 pm. Lightning was striking on both sides of the freeway nonstop for the whole two hour drive back from Tennessee.

It was beautiful, mesmerizing and awesome. As I was whizzing along, I looked and suddenly realized that the highway speed limit signs were blowing off of their poles and across the freeway. Not only that a few of the highway directional signs were tearing in half and falling off of their poles. There was NO indication from my truck that the wind was that strong. My truck was just cooking along at 70 miles an hour not swaying or noticing the wind at ALL! None of the other cars on the road seemed to be having any trouble at all either, but the trees and bushes on the sides of the road were bent almost to the ground. Then the rain hit. Blinding one minute, nothing the next. I felt like I was in LA LA Land.

I didn't have any trouble getting home, but I did stop at Krogers on the way to buy a bag of halloween candy and I ate half of it before I got home. FOR LUCK, mind you. It was for LUCK!

When I got home, the ground was dry and looked as if nothing was amiss. I let the goats out to browse in the dark. The dog RAN into the house to hide from the evil lightening. The goats came back an hour later satiated and happy and went to bed. Then the storm hit.

I slept like a baby.

Today it is BEAUTIFUL, Sunny, windy and bright.

I love Autumn! The weather is so delightfully unpredictable.


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
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Northeast Mississippi
Glad you got home safely!!!!! We're in northern Mississippi and that storm scared me!!! No damage though...spring's wild storms took out a few very large trees...high winds with saturated ground, and one tree was hit by lightning from the top straight through to the ground...of course each tree in the spring that came down meant more fence repairs.

I kinda went nuts on those little tiny chocolate bars last night too...LOL...then comes after Halloween and it all goes down to 70 percent off...with all the wrappers I look like I'm begging for diabetes ;)


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Wow that sounds like a scarryy drive home. Good thing you stopped and got those chocolates!!!

I bought chocolate Halloween body parts for us the other day. Then I hid them from the rest of the family unit. :drool They are strangely satisfying in a grotesque way, :hide

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
But it wasn't a scarey drive. Really! It was beautiful and cool. I loved it. Did I mention that I am an adrenalin junky and I love storms?

The chocolate, now that was scarey. I haven't eaten that much candy in AGES. Today I am paying the price. I am diabetic and today I feel quite miserable because of all that icky stuff AND I am allergic to chocolate so I have a very upset tummy today. However, I thoroughly enjoyed eating it last night. PLUS, I am a total chocolate high. My mouth is going 100 miles an hour and I there isn't anyone at my house to talk to so I have been talking to my goats and typing e-mails to everyone. I keep wanting to hyperventilate.

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
Darned RATS AND MICE! I hate them! We have a HUGE rat in the walls and he has lately taken to coming out and "visiting" the cat. Taunting the cat in fact. The cat weighs 6 pounds. I swear the rat is the same size. I saw him last night climbing out of the wall next to where the washer lives. (the washer is temporarily out on the back porch while I fix it's pump.) The cat was patiently waiting for Mr Rat to come out so he could chase the rat around the bathroom.

Did I mention that I hate RATS? Every night I hear that rat scrambling around in my walls and every morning I find something missing from my kitchen. Not food, because I keep that in the cupboards and in glass jars. BUT the rat has taken to opening the garbage can and taking bags and such out. He even stole a spoon that had peanut butter on it. There it was halfway in the wall socket he had pushed out of the wall.

Did I tell you that I hate RATS? AND he has taken to only coming out when the dog is NOT in the house, because the last three rats bit the dust by coming out when the dog was in the house. Stupid smart rat! I put out poison balls for him hoping he would eat one. He stole them all. He is still alive. My shoe laces are starting to disappear!

Then there is the mouse that lives under the refrigerator. The cat was chasing him this morning. HE has been stealing dog and cat food out of the dish. Did I tell you how much I HATE MICE. MORE than I hate RATS!

AND the rats and the MICE chew up electrical cords. SEVERAL of my electrical outlets don't work because of the rats and the mice!


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