Roll Farms - Herdstock is over, and I'm feeling hung over, lol


Overrun with beasties
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
Huntertown, IN
Kim you just let me know. You have helpped me more in the last few years with these goats then I could ever repay. I am really lucky to meet such a great friend even if we mostly only get to talk online. I would be happy to help in any way I can. I agree with you that the GF might be trying to part ways with your DD and personally I think its for the best for your daughter she deserves someone better and hopefully this summer she will understand that and find herself more. Well have a great day.

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
*deeeeep cleansing breaths*

I NEED to be asleep right now....but no....My BP is up, blood is boiling, etc. etc. I will just lie there and think, think, think and not sleep.

CHILDREN...even when they're grown, they drive you bonkers!

So DD told me this "I'll have to use all my money to buy a bus ticket and be on a bus for 18 hrs. and have to leave my guitar and everything." thing, and I immediately jump into "Problem solver mode"....b/c....well...It's what I DO.

In short order, I have DH's bff lined up to possibly get her, Roger offering to feed so I can go, Jodie offering to get her to her house, etc.

And so I contact her tonight to discuss options and now she's all, "Well, we're gonna see if we can return our tv to Wal Mart and see if she can sell her car, and use that money to buy a new car, and then she can bring me..."

And...."I have to be here in 2 wks for college orientation so I can't leave next weekend anyway."

And...."Deb (her gf) is going to try and see if she can transfer to a different camp so that she won't be so far from her mom and if she can't she may not go."

:barnie :he :th :hit :smack :rant :somad :tongue :barnie

So of course I went off the deep end a little bit on her, saying, "Well sure, the whole world will just sit back and wait for you two KIDIOTS to pull your heads outta your backsides and let US know what we need to do to make your lives work easier."

Seriously....3 mos ago, Deb calls to ask me what kind of dog to get my DD (Megan) for her b'day......I told her "You guys don't NEED a dog at all. Don't get one." So I'm an old meanie head.....they get one anyway......and then last week Megan is boo hooing b/c she has to get rid of the dog if she goes to college.

They spent hundreds of dollars a few mos. ago fixing up the trailer they live in.....and now they're moving into Deb's mom's (where they moved out of before.....) to save on rent money.

They have a bigger tv than I do (tax check money) that they now think is "ok" to return to Wal Mart b/c - oops....guess what....they need the money worse than they need the tv to begin with.

:he :he :he :he :old :old :old

I could go on....and on.....and ON......but will shut up......for now....but I reserve the right to vent more if needed.

I appreciate all the offers of help more than you guys know....but for now....don't worry about it. Sorry for the false alarm....*I* thought it was a done deal. Silly me for thinking they have a CLUE.



Overrun with beasties
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
Huntertown, IN
Kim, my mom was just wondering how those ferns did for you? If they kind of died off I hope you didn't get rid of them because they will come back next year in full force that's what they do to us when we transplant them. The black iris is really pretty but we think the variegated one got frosted so we will see how it does next year. Well I hope your day is better. Talk to you soon.

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
Ferns are fine. Thanks! I have more variegated if you find it doesn't come back up next year.

I'm sort of brain dead today, heat just melts my mind / makes me grouchy / miserable and the DD situation isn't helping.

DH is going to his mom's tomorrow....I may take a partial 'day off' and try to get my head back in line. Going like the energizer bunny in this heat is kicking my butt.....


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
N. Kentucky
Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help.

We are thinking about going to Herdstock on Friday and staying at the campground. I am soooo looking forward to it!!!!!