Roll Farms - Herdstock is over, and I'm feeling hung over, lol

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
Bad news. Tally and Blue both tested CAE+.

Such a shame, both are such pretty, structurally correct, NICE does. :hit

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
Folks, it's been a rough couple weeks. I have said it before and I'll say it again, I do NOT like hot weather. Hate it. We've had heat indexes of over 100 dg for several days.
I wither, I melt, I just can't deal w/ being hot. It turns me into a vampire who avoids daylight, lol.
Verrrry little rain.

No progress on anything in the yard, too hot to dig a pond.

DD is still here, we had a pretty good argument Tues. morning and I was reminded what it was like 2 yrs ago before she moved away....slammed doors, sullen silences, and me doing the work while she pouts. :lol: Luckily she gets over her mad quicker now, and everything's ok. She'll be leaving Saturday and while I love her to pieces and miss her....It'll be nice to get back to 'normal' (as normal as we get ;)).

DH's nephew has been a never-ending source of drama / discouragement. Yesterday when my MIL (grandma to the nephew....who's near 40, btw, not a kid) cried and told me that she wish she'd died when my FIL did 3 yrs ago because she can't take the stress he puts her through I hit my limit.

You.Don't.Make.An.80.yr.old.woman.cry....And say she wished she was dead. :somad

Sooo, I called my very non-confrontational DH at work and told him that if HE didn't go talk to the nephew, that I would...and that if I did it.....he'd need bail money.:cool:
So he went. I'm sure it's only a temporary reprieve but maybe there will be no more midnight phone calls about his girlfriend having her mouth duct taped, him driving drunk w/out a license, how she has to MOW HER YARD in this heat b/c he won't....etc. (He lives rent free next door to her, we're 25 mins. away...she won't ask DH to do it...we ASSume the nephew does it...etc.etc.)

On the goat front, Dazzle's eye is still beet red / blind. We can't find anything in it / cause for it. I keep spraying it 2x a day w/ eye spray.

I've contacted the breeder the 2 CAE+ does came from and her response was basically, "Oh, gee, that stinks...sorry for your luck."

So I guess I'm eating the $200 loss on this one.