Some others said they'd bring chips, RTG, so I think that's PLENTY!
We only have 30 people coming right now....but I know my dh and his bff can eat 2 burgers and 2 dogs (or more) ea. I'd rather have too much than not enough.
And....I know what I can feed any stragglers for dinner, lol.
Don't know if this might help, but I could bring a few more pounds of ground beef you'd like (we just got a steer in the freezer so plenty to go around).
I have a huge porch, we should all fit unless it's an absolute downpour, and we have an awning, too...hopefully that will do.
But if anyone has room to bring a lawn chair along, they might. We have 8 chairs, a bench, and 2 pic nic tables and I was thinking we wouldn't ALL be stuck on the porch at once, but if it does end up raining a lot we may just end up there for a spell.
Good thing none of us will melt and can talk 'critters' for
I've already said it's not gonna rain Roll...don't cha believe me? Or do you really want me to eat my hat? It's a really nice hat, I'd hate to have to eat it...
I already keep a folding chair in my trunk (for the FM) so I'll have my own if needed.