The journey into the abyss of no return


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Ooo A hoop roller! Those are so handy!
Yeah it's what built the framing for this pole barn.

Side wing pole1.jpg

These are all rolled by hand, didn't have the pipe threader motor to roll them.
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Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Very skillful to get them all the same, doing it manually.
Fairly easy once you get the first one down. Measure the depth the main roller in the center traveled mark it and each one made subsequently afterwards you measure diameter to make sure temperatures didn't change the measurements. Even with motor on it when I get to the end I walk it slowly to the final measurements.
I also have a die in my collection that I can roll flat metal on it's side.
Random picture of the custom door I built for this place upstairs:


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
You are very talented with what you know and can do with metal, among many other things. Sure wish you had a shop close by here... so much stuff we could get done... although we probably couldn't afford you !!!!!!:\:th:hit:hit:hit:hit But there would be plenty to keep you busy during your down time...:gig:lol:
Which means we would never get anything done since you would be so busy doing other jobs. :idunno:idunno


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
You are very talented with what you know and can do with metal, among many other things. Sure wish you had a shop close by here... so much stuff we could get done... although we probably couldn't afford you !!!!!!:\:th:hit:hit:hit:hit But there would be plenty to keep you busy during your down time...:gig:lol:
Which means we would never get anything done since you would be so busy doing other jobs. :idunno:idunno
Pretty simple, $50 an hour for basic labor of any skill I use, when I crank the machinery up or dump truck, while it's running it's $150 an hour and of course I charge for my consumables or materials extra.
Apparently I am too expensive, the last tree I took down they won't answer my calls (the two I have placed asking if they received my invoice) and now I had to eat the rental fees $2k as I wait for Net 30 to pass to begin demand payment letters followed by a lien on their place.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Talent means costs... but we are not rich and although you would be a big help on putting up the poles and such to extend the hay barn, setting the rafters and all that... it is still more than we could pay out of pocket too. All our farm work is paid cash money out of our incomes so has to be carefully considered.
I am not saying you are not worth every penny you charge... we just don't make that kind of money to be able to pay for your talent. I also think about the talents you have with engines and such... instead of taking the tractors to other mechanics to get work done, you could do it here at the farm.... Oh well, we will keep dreaming.


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Talent means costs... but we are not rich and although you would be a big help on putting up the poles and such to extend the hay barn, setting the rafters and all that... it is still more than we could pay out of pocket too. All our farm work is paid cash money out of our incomes so has to be carefully considered.
I am not saying you are not worth every penny you charge... we just don't make that kind of money to be able to pay for your talent. I also think about the talents you have with engines and such... instead of taking the tractors to other mechanics to get work done, you could do it here at the farm.... Oh well, we will keep dreaming.
It does give people sticker shock on the machinery rates, but if one were to break it down I can do in one hour what would take 12 hours by hand to do things. It's why I stay away from mostly things that can be done by hand or things anyone with two brain cells rubbing together and ability to run a rental. May seem cheaper to pick up a handful at local hardware store out front for labor work cause it's only $10 an hour for each one, but when the total comes out it's actually more expensive.
I'm with you on affordability, it's how I gained my talent. Could already been halfway done with one of these livestock shelters, but if you look in the background on post #729 you see the wife's car apart and in the 3rd picture to the right is a rack & pinion. Trying to walk her through it and show how its done while building these.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I agree with having 3 or 5 locals at $10/hr... which they all want $20/hr here or more... is more costly than having 1 at 50 that can do the work... thing is we cannot even find the 1 at $50 that does what they say...
And I am getting too much older to be able to do the heavy physical stuff I did 20 years ago working with DS . My less than reliably stable knees, and shoulder now hurting so much, and limits on some things make me much less nimble and helpful... and too many of these yahoos think their time is worth so much money and they cannot think things through to do things right anyway. So, I do as much as I can and what I can do... and it takes me more time to do alot of it... but slow and steady is what makes me still feel useful and contributing... I sure wish I could some of the more physical stuff.
The machinery rates are not out of line... but the problem is so many that want those rates here, also do a half assed job at stuff and you pay through the nose to weed out the incompetents... and the ones that are good at what they do and can "do it" ... are so far booked up that sometimes you have to go with "less than" because it has to get done now....
Our co-op gets $70/hr for the mechanical work they do... they are generous with what "time" they charge for... but I have NO COMPLAINTS for what I pay for what they do for me.