The journey into the abyss of no return


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Take CTIS (central tire inflation system) off the wheel, take wheel off the rig, roll outside, deflate tire, take another 10 nuts off, soak tire bead in whatever one thinks is the most slippery substitute, get swinging 16 lb sledge to break from the bead, flip over and repeat minus taking off more nuts. Flip tire back over and pull rim apart, flip over and pull other rim part out of the tire, pull the bead lock out, get new tire and set it upright. Grab tire from two points with straps and spread the tire bead open, spread petroleum jelly on bead, clamp bead lock to compress and insert in new tire. Roll tire around to get bead lock towards the top that’s inserted, wrap strap around it, take spreader clamp and shove rest of bead lock uniformly into tire. Take rim piece with valve stem and take off valve stem then swap out the o-ring gasket on it, swap out the 20” o-ring on the rim that compresses to other rim piece. Pick up the rim line up the valve stem with the groove in the bead lock and shove the rim in, rotate wheel and shove other piece of rim in, run the 10 nuts that holds the assembly together, air tire back up and then roll it back over to mount on the rig. Congrats one down 6 to go, yes there is a spare tire to do too.

I’m a little sore and at muscle fatigue for some reason.:idunnoNext up, pulling injection pump and then the dump truck differentials “again”.



Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Check out the breed of goat since some don't have tasty milk. Toggenburg goats have nasty milk. :sick
Also whichever of yoi plans to mill the goat - try milking it first. Some goats have teeny teats or massively large teats that make milking a problem. A giveaway animal can be a problem, particularly since your livestock auction is several hours away.

We raised our children on goat milk. First Nubians, we also had Toggs before we found out that their milk is dhorrible. Excellent cheese frm Togg milk, I understand, but not to drink. We took a short side trip into Alpines but didnt like their milk either. We finally added LaManchas and their milk was as good as the Nubians. We milked goats for 16 years am and pm.


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Probably because it attracts moths for pollination instead of bees.
It's due to temperatures as there is bees around and the moths don't come out till after it's closed up.

General: perennial from a deep taproot, rough with barbed, spine-like hairs. Stems usually single (occasionally 2-3), 30-100 cm tall, mostly simple below and branching above.

Leaves: alternate, fleshy, lanceolate, 4-15 cm long, sharply pinnatifid with wavy lobes. Lower leaves stalked, the upper stalkless and often more or less clasping.

Flowers: terminal at the ends of the branches, open in the evening, fragrant, with several leaflike, pinnatifid bracts at the base. Calyx 1-2 cm long at flowering, lengthening as the fruit matures, the 5 lobes 2-4 cm long, lanceolate, persistent on the capsule. Petals apparently 10, cream to pale yellow, about twice the length of the calyx lobes, the inner 5 staminodia narrower, petal-like. Stamens very numerous, the filaments about 3/4 the length of the petals. Style usually equaling the stamens, stigma 3-4 mm long, not lobed, with minute bumps on the 4-5 spiral angles. July-September.

Fruits: capsules, 3-4.5 cm long. Seeds many, borne horizontally, 3-3.5 mm long, dark grayish-brown, strongly flattened and thin-edged but not truly winged.


Dry, open slopes and roadsides, on the plains and into the lower mountains, in most parts of MT. Also from s. Alberta and the Dakotas to Mexico, mostly e. of the Rocky Mts.
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