The journey into the abyss of no return


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Since there is no documentation anywhere of right to repair, maintain or replace the private road, one needs to ask for a secondary easement to do as such in court and ask for the defendant to not interfere or the local sheriffs is where this all leads to.
If one reads case laws of other such instances as quoted on that docket I posted, it becomes more clear as they state multiple other instances where this happened with needing maintenance such as bridge or such. There is a 60' easement in the survey at the courthouse and such, but the road is less than 10' wide in some areas.

So anyone on here living out in the country that runs into same problem as me now knows what a secondary easement is, the right to repair maintain or replace the road, bridge, culvert, ditch, power lines, phone lines and whatever else might be in a easement.


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
Do you know if your private road was put in before 1966? Historical aerial photo website could help. If put in after, this statues seems to apply stating minimum width of 20ft for private roads and byways applies or state applicable minimum width.

We have similar rules in Texas that I studied to see what would be munched if they upgraded our county road from 3rd class (20ft min) to 1st class (40ft min).

I would have court put in writing what the applicable minimum and maximum road width for your class is since that seems to be a point of contention. Sorry your neighbors suck.


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Do you know if your private road was put in before 1966? Historical aerial photo website could help. If put in after, this statues seems to apply stating minimum width of 20ft for private roads and byways applies or state applicable minimum width.

We have similar rules in Texas that I studied to see what would be munched if they upgraded our county road from 3rd class (20ft min) to 1st class (40ft min).

I would have court put in writing what the applicable minimum and maximum road width for your class is since that seems to be a point of contention. Sorry your neighbors suck.
That is in the easement surveys at the courthouse, what isn't in there is the right to do anything with the road. Though there is covenants out here that states the following:
All future grantees consent and agree that any roads giving access to the property are not maintained by grantor. All future grantees are totally responsible for providing and maintaining non-public roads. This is to say that if a purchaser wants the roads maintained he or she may do so but is not required to do so. All future grantees covenant and agree that until such grantees have developed the access to their individual property to county standards that said grantees will not petition or request any assistance or development by the county for road improvements.
Here is the certificate of survey for here and circled of what is what.


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Are you at the end of easement? Upper left.
If me, I'd be out cheering you on -- that woman truly is crazy! 🥴. The road improvements help her too.

Can't fix stupid. :idunno
No that's a off shoot easement for one property, the purple arrow points at it. The highlighted yellow is her property, the orange highlighted property is the next one to take down when I take her out and the purple highlighted one was supposed to be on the list, but went from squatting there to the orange highlighted property these past few weeks. Black/grey highlighted is all of me and I own the end of the main road easement out here which gives me rights to all of the road which is the green line. Magenta arrows is where I started from main road and where I stopped at her driveway (how convenient) and the orange one has a road cutting across the property to the right of his straight to the rock now. Blue arrows are as far as we need the rock since yellow, orange, purple and the two magenta arrow properties circled like buzzards at one time to each other properties hence the road condition now. Since then the magenta arrow properties have shunned all others and don't want to help with the legal proceedings, it's one owner of those two properties too.
For the last laugh, the one who is paying for all this rock is "thinking" of selling out cause of the trash. So as I see it he wants the rock down to sell his place he flipped for half a million. Besides rock he is missing a well which if I never put rock down the house never sells for what he wants.
Don't tell me you are "thinking" of selling and send me pictures you would find on a real estate ad on a place.


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
That piggy took flight when I told the boss’s wife I’m going home till you sort schit out. I was expecting getting canned as usual. Two weeks without a check, I’m not running a charity here and this place usually cuts check same day or within a week when I last worked here through them.